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The error above occurs when attempting to upgrade using an ISO from version 12.0, 12.1.0, or 12.1.1.
If Veeam Backup & Replication 11a P20240304 is installed, the upgrade must be performed with an ISO for version 12.1.2 or later.
The private fix indicated in this error cannot be removed.
The following SQL database patches are missed: TFS299663, TFS299403, TFS300354, TFS300785
The TFS values in the error are related to cumulative updates that have been installed and recorded within the Veeam Backup & Replication configuration database.
The ISO for Cumulative Update releases, indicated by a P in the build number, contain the initial version's installer and the cumulative update patcher. When this ISO is used to install, it first deploys the initial GA build of that version of Veeam Backup & Replication, and then as a post-install action, runs the cumulative update patcher. For example, running the installer for the P20210525 ISO would first install, then run the cumulative update patch P20210525.
The cumulative updates may include changes to the configuration database that the base version installer is not compatible with and causes the base version installer to fail when run.
This scenario occurs when attempting to use the Veeam Backup & Replication installer's repair function to repair a Veeam Backup & Replication installation that has had cumulative patches applied.
Before proceeding ensure that all jobs are stopped and disabled.
If any restore operations are running, stop them.
$programName = "Veeam Explorer for Oracle"
$program = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $programName}
if ($program) {
$uninstallCommand = $program.UninstallString
$start = $uninstallCommand.IndexOf('{')
$end = $uninstallCommand.IndexOf('}')
$guid = $uninstallCommand.Substring($start, $end - $start + 1)
$modifiedCommand = "C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe /x `"$guid`" "
iex $modifiedCommand
} else {
Write-Host "$programName is not installed."
When reinstalling Veeam Recovery Orchestrator, follow the documented reinstall procedure:
Veeam Recovery Orchestrator User Guide - Reinstalling Orchestrator Using Existing Databases
The following steps are intended to be used when all of the following criteria are true:
This workaround involves installing Veeam Backup & Replication to a temporary database. Then, switching which database the software uses after install to reuse the previous database.
This method will require that you know which SQL instance the existing configuration database is running in and the database name.
This scenario occurs when attempting to update between cumulative patches of the same Veeam Backup & Replication version using the ISO instead of the cumulative patcher executable method.
When updating between cumulative patches of the same version of Veeam Backup & Replication (e.g., P20210507 to P20210525), use the cumulative update EXE installerYou can download the cumulative update EXE installer from the respective Cumulative Update KB article. If you have already downloaded the ISO, you can find the cumulative update EXE installer in the \Updates folder on the ISO., not the ISO.
For example, if you were updating from P20210507 to P20210525, you would click the (DOWNLOAD PATCH) button on the release note KB to download just the cumulative patcher (VeeamBackup&, and not the (DOWNLOAD ISO) button which would download the full installer ISO.
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