#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

UK Tax Strategy

This document sets out our approach to managing the company’s tax affairs. Veeam Software is publishing the tax strategy in compliance with Schedule 19 of the UK Finance Act 2016 for the year ended December 31, 2024. This tax strategy applies to the following Veeam UK entities:

  • Veeam Software UK Limited
  • Veeam Software UK Holding Limited
  • VS International Holdings Limited
  • VS UK Holdings 1 Limited
  • VS UK Holdings 2 Limited

Approach to Tax

Veeam conducts business with honesty and integrity and in compliance with all applicable tax laws and regulations. Where tax law is unclear, we seek professional advice on UK tax matters.

Risk Management

Veeam is committed to be a responsible and compliant taxpayer in the countries where we operate. We maintain robust processes and controls designed to minimise the risk of errors arising which could impact the amount of tax we pay. These processes and controls are regularly monitored, reviewed and tested and support the submission of returns prepared by us. This helps to ensure tax risks are identified, controlled and reported. Our tax governance includes responsibility for UK tax matters by our European tax team with oversight by our global tax function that reports to the Chief Financial Officer. 

Tax Planning

Our approach to UK tax planning aligns with our business model, balancing the interests of our various stakeholders, including customers, investors and the communities in which we operate. Any UK tax planning that we may engage in reflects the commercial and economic activities of our business and is in compliance with tax laws, regulations and relevant international standards (e.g. OECD Guidelines). 

Dealing with tax authorities

We engage openly and constructively with all tax authorities, including HM Revenue & Customs, working in a proactive and professional manner to resolve all tax matters that arise.