#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Global cinema pioneer Gaumont protects business-critical data with Veeam

It’s vital to maintain full visibility of your backup policies and performance, so that you can be confident in the recoverability of your data. Both the Veeam solution and the Jaguar Network portal give us detailed real-time information and controls, offering us peace of mind that our information assets are protected against loss or corruption.
Maxime Vidal Madjar
Group CIO

The Business Challenge

Throughout its long history, Gaumont has always led the way in creating compelling content. As the way in which we consume visual entertainment continues to evolve, the company intends to stay at the forefront of its industry.

To increase its speed and flexibility in adapting to new trends and to support the ongoing diversification of its output, Gaumont has undertaken a major transformation of its information systems — which are hosted in France and used by employees worldwide. By centralizing its resources and then moving them to an external host offering extremely high availability, Gaumont has made it easier for existing and future employees and business partners to use them. 

Having moved its key applications and databases to this external private cloud, Gaumont wanted to ensure that business-critical data was protected against accidental loss or malicious destruction. The company has around 40 virtual machines across 15 physical servers, together with systems storing around 60TB of files. This data comprises some of the most important assets for the business, including accounting spreadsheets, scripts, storyboards and contracts. 

“While the data in question does not include Gaumont’s digital video assets, it is nonetheless vital for our operations,” said Maxime Vidal Madjar, IT director at Gaumont. “We wanted to ensure that this data was fully backed up and available for rapid, reliable recovery — and this required us to think both about a technology platform and a skilled external partner.” 

The Veeam Solution

Given that more than 1/3 of data involved in ransomware attacks is typically unrecoverable, Gaumont wanted to be confident that its investment in backup technology would deliver the targeted protection for data.1

By selecting Veeam Availability Suite as its platform for protecting critical data, Gaumont gained an enterprise-class platform trusted by many of the world’s leading businesses.

Veeam is the gold standard for backups. We have full confidence that the technology will not let us down,” said Vidal Madjar. “Even the best backup technology depends on the correct set-up and management. We also wanted a partner that could provide expert ongoing management and monitoring, with all data guaranteed to remain within France.”

Gaumont selected Jaguar Network, a leading French provider of enterprise managed services with more than 12 data centers and 1,200 customers, to set up and run its externalized Veeam backup environment. 

“It was clear that Jaguar Network had the technical competence to put in place an architecture tailored to our exact needs, and which would give us full control over backup and recovery. We didn’t want to be dependent on an external entity,” said Vidal Madjar. 

Jaguar Network helped Gaumont migrate its Veeam backups to the primary external data center and then replicate the data to a secondary data center in another region of France. The secondary environment is connected to the primary environment only during the daily replication process, effectively providing an air gap that protects Gaumont against the risk of encryption malware propagating between its data centers.

Gaumont manages its own backup and retention policies through the intuitive Veeam interface and receives real-time information on service quality (incidents, availability, capacity, security) from Jaguar Network.

“The solution from Veeam and Jaguar Network is flexible and ready for the future,” said Vidal Madjar. “Although at present we don’t require a particularly small RTO, we have the option of adopting a full active-active dual-site configuration if our needs change.”

1 Source: Veeam Data Protection Trends Report 2022

The Results

Effective protection of key assets
“Our main objective was to protect and secure the most important enterprise assets: our data. The solution from Veeam and Jaguar Network gives us complete confidence that our data is being protected according to a clearly defined backup plan,” said Vidal Madjar.

Flexible and agile recovery
“Mistakes will always happen, and things will always go wrong. So, no matter how carefully your systems are designed, you need another layer of protection and the ability to restore backed-up data rapidly. Veeam gives us great flexibility and agility around requests for data recovery,” said Vidal Madjar.

Easy access to metrics
“It’s vital to maintain full visibility of your backup policies and performance, so that you can be confident in the recoverability of your data. Both the Veeam solution and the Jaguar Network portal give us detailed real-time information and controls, offering us peace of mind that our information assets are protected against loss or corruption.” said Vidal Madjar. 


Founded in France in 1895, Gaumont was the first cinematography company in the world. As an innovator for more than 125 years, Gaumont now creates top-quality content for both cinema and television and has offices in Paris, Los Angeles, London, Berlin and Rome. Its output ranges from top Netflix series such as “Narcos” and “F is for Family,” to movies such as “Les Intouchables” — the biggest-ever French-language box office hit.


As part of a broader transformation to accelerate the evolution and diversification of its business, Gaumont wanted to improve robustness, speed and ease-of-use of its data backup and recovery processes. The goal was to have fully externalized backup with replication of data to a second location for enhanced protection against disaster, all easily recoverable and controlled by Gaumont itself.


  • Effective protection of key assets
  • Flexible and agile recovery
  • Easy access to metrics

About Jaguar Network:

Jaguar Network, a B2B subsidiary of the iliad Group, benefits from recognized expertise in the world of telecommunications, cloud and managed services. The company supports more than 20,000 companies and public organizations in their digital transformation. By offering simple and innovative fixed and mobile Free Pro offers and solutions specific to Jaguar Network, the company targets the entire business market, from VSEs to large groups. To do this, it relies on its fiber optic network interconnecting its own data centers located in France. These meet the most demanding standards in terms of eco-design, operation and safety: ISO 27001, PCIDSS and HDS certifications. Backed by a network of regional agencies, the company continually invests in very high-availability infrastructure and provides its next-generation services close to its customers.