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The instructions about changing the NATS server-side password assume that the NATS server in use is the one included and deployed by the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 installer.
For information about configuring Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 to utilize a different existing NATS server after deployment, skip to the "Update Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 NATS Client Connection Settings" section, and update the hostname as well as the password.
The following characters should not be used as part of the NATS server password:
To ensure maximum security this method will demonstrate storing the password in bcrypt hash format within the NATS server configuration.
The connection settings must be updated in two different locations depending on the role of the component.
Review the sections below for component specific instructions.
<Server JetStreamConnectionString="nats://admin:AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE%2FCl%2BsBAAAARy%2Fvgmvm50WcOwqjnpZO1AQAAAACAAAAAAAQZgAAAAEAACAAAAA9CveKuONc5hEvEh5XSb47Nb9MzqkF65vaI0sXherMKQAAAAAOgAAAAAIAACAAAADbg1B7jbmeJe3Rm5Z0hc8HGEAe5av9%2BW4jthTn8IR0pDAAAAB6ynoaYEAC2bvtQK1w6CV%2FfeayQHFnRYpjo3oG%2ByNzBhj%2BDJq%2FKhjCWDxzBU0JaqJAAAAAmRau0bhhsXk5YZ3Nev668lcXuPdsHMjVjPBETFrYASY%2B66iLWwYX6MGJlUln4Rxg0Xstv0zLVvOqNPm0qEdVXQ%3D%3D@vb365srv:4222?passwordEncrypted"Note: The ending of this line has been truncated for this example.
<Server JetStreamConnectionString="nats://admin:53kr37pa55vv0rd@vb365srv:4222"Note: The ending of this line has been truncated for this example.
Review and perform the following steps on all proxies:
<Proxy JetStreamConnectionString="nats://admin:AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE%2FCl%2BsBAAAARy%2Fvgmvm50WcOwqjnpZO1AQAAAACAAAAAAAQZgAAAAEAACAAAAA9CveKuONc5hEvEh5XSb47Nb9MzqkF65vaI0sXherMKQAAAAAOgAAAAAIAACAAAADbg1B7jbmeJe3Rm5Z0hc8HGEAe5av9%2BW4jthTn8IR0pDAAAAB6ynoaYEAC2bvtQK1w6CV%2FfeayQHFnRYpjo3oG%2ByNzBhj%2BDJq%2FKhjCWDxzBU0JaqJAAAAAmRau0bhhsXk5YZ3Nev668lcXuPdsHMjVjPBETFrYASY%2B66iLWwYX6MGJlUln4Rxg0Xstv0zLVvOqNPm0qEdVXQ%3D%3D@vb365srv:4222?passwordEncrypted"Note: The ending of this line has been truncated for this example.
<Proxy JetStreamConnectionString="nats://admin:53kr37pa55vv0rd@vb365srv:4222"Note: The ending of this line has been truncated for this example.
Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 utilizes two types of databases:
The Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 software uses administrative credentials to create and connect to the Configuration Database, whereas the proxy servers operate differently. After creating the Configuration Database, roles are established within the PostgreSQL instance with the name proxy_dbuser_<config_db_name>, and read-only access is granted for specific tables within the Configuration Database. For example, the default Configuration Database name is “VeeamBackup365”; therefore, the read-only role will be named “proxy_dbuser_veeambackup365”.
The administrator provides the username and password during installation for generating the Configuration Database. During the installation, the username and password for the read-only role are created, and that account information is secured in the configuration files in an encrypted format.
When the password for the user utilized by Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 to connect to the Configuration Database is changed, it must be updated in the configuration files.
The following characters should not be used as part of the PostgreSQL user's password:
<ControllerPostgres ControllerConnectionString="host=vb365srv;port=5432;database=VeeamBackup365;username=postgres;password=AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE%2FCl%2BsBAAAARy%2Fvgmvm50WcOwqjnpZO1AQAAAACAAAAAAAQZgAAAAEAACAAAADQngLZF6xhXmUoY2ntShya0r4MmMZC8qhn4oeTs7eRXQAAAAAOgAAAAAIAACAAAAADc0FIuyQyE45qlTITlQru0UG0pnTWhHRDmfAMWH64YxAAAACkHVqiKuTRXGbVA5WJR8c8QAAAAD5nomp8vuxg2DpCJIFIFhaPRZlbMCwJts%2FVq1rUP8HHCOmaJFTUWDn1kaLoAVb9B1CWXAsHR5LHaSbWx3isMzo%3D;maxpoolsize=100;connectionidlelifetime=10;PasswordEncrypted=True" />
<ControllerPostgres ControllerConnectionString="host=vb365srv;port=5432;database=VeeamBackup365;username=postgres;password=53kr37pa55vv0rd;maxpoolsize=100;connectionidlelifetime=10; />
When the password for the proxy_dbuser_<config_db_name> user has been changed, the new password must be updated in multiple locations. The methodology is the same as updating the configuration database password: replace the encrypted password value with the new password in plaintext, remove the 'PasswordEncrypted=True' parameter, and restart the services.
The Config.xmlC:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365\Config.xml file on the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 server stores the connection string used when deploying new proxies and must be updated to ensure those future proxies have the correct credentials to access the database.
The Proxy.xmlC:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365\Proxy.xml on each proxy stores the connection information to access the configuration database. This value is only pushed out to the proxy during initial deployment. As such, after a password change for the proxy_dbuser_<config_db_name> user, the credentials within the Proxy.xml file must be manually updated on each existing proxy.
On each Proxy server, do the following:
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