#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Granular sudo Permissions for Management of Hardened Repository

KB ID: 4667
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication | 12.2 | 12.3 | 12.3.1
Published: 2024-09-26
Last Modified: 2024-12-17
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This article documents the granular sudo permissions required to allow Veeam Backup & Replication to deploy and manage a Hardened Repository.


Account Requirements

  • The Linux user account used by Veeam Backup & Replication to deploy and manage the Hardened Repository must use the bash shell.
  • The Linux account used for a Hardened Repository must be a non-root account with root-equivalent permissions (sudo). Some administrators may prefer to restrict the account used by Veeam Backup & Replication to only be able to execute specific commands using sudo on the target Linux machine. (See example below.)

Granular Sudoer Drop-In Example

The example sudoers drop-in file below is compatible with all supported Linux distributions.

The example provided includes entries for the package managers of all supported Linux distributions. To further restrict sudoer permissions comment out or remove the lines for package managers not in use by the Linux distribution in use by the Hardened Repository.

  • Debian/Ubuntu — Remove lines 17-23.
  • SLES/openSUSE — Remove lines 17-21 and 24-25.
  • RHEL/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/Oracle Linux — Remove lines 22-25.
Example /etc/sudoers.d/veeamsvc file:
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/whoami
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/uname
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/ls
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/test

veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/find /opt/veeam/deployment -type d
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/find /opt/veeam/deployment -type f -not -path /opt/veeam/deployment/veeamdeploymentsvc

veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /opt/veeam/deployment/veeamdeploymentsvc
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /opt/veeam/transport/veeamtransport
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /opt/veeam/transport/veeamtransport-link

#Package Management
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rpm --import /tmp/*
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rpm --install /tmp/veeamdeployment*
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rpm --erase veeamdeployment
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/yum --assumeyes --errorlevel=0 install /tmp/*
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/yum --assumeyes --errorlevel=0 remove veeamdeployment
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/zypper --terse --non-interactive --no-gpg-checks install --auto-agree-with-licenses --force-resolution /tmp/veeamdeployment*
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/zypper --terse --non-interactive --no-gpg-checks remove veeamdeployment
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/dpkg --force-confold --install /tmp/*
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/dpkg --purge veeamdeployment

#Assign Permissions
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chown -hR root /opt/veeam/deployment
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 755 /opt/veeam/
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 755 /opt/veeam/deployment
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 755 /opt/veeam/deployment/ca-trusted
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 755 /opt/veeam/deployment/scripts
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 644 /opt/veeam/deployment/ca-trusted/*
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 644 /opt/veeam/deployment/libVeeamDeploymentDll.so
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 644 /opt/veeam/deployment/scripts/veeamdeployment
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 644 /opt/veeam/deployment/scripts/veeamdeployment.service
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 644 /opt/veeam/deployment/VeeamDeploymentConfig
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chmod 744 /opt/veeam/deployment/veeamdeploymentsvc

veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rm -rf /opt/veeam/deployment
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rm /etc/veeam/immureposvc/timeLog
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rm /etc/veeam/immureposvc/retainLock
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rm /etc/veeam/immureposvc/config
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/rmdir /etc/veeam/immureposvc

#Set Immutablility
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chattr -i /etc/veeam/immureposvc/timeLog
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chattr -i /etc/veeam/immureposvc/retainLock
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /bin/chattr -i /etc/veeam/immureposvc/config

#Process Management
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend
veeamsvc ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock
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