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"There is no FIB [summary.xml]" error with Veeam Cloud Connect v12.2

KB ID: 4655
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication | 12.2
Published: 2024-09-10
Last Modified: 2024-09-13
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Service Provider-side Issue
This error results from an issue with Veeam Cloud Connect deployed in the Service Provider's environment. Tenants impacted by this issue are advised to contact their Service Provider directly, and Service Providers will contact Veeam Support. Due to the scope of this issue, Veeam Support will be unable to assist tenants in resolving it.


In Veeam Cloud Connect v12.2 (build, a network connection drop between the Veeam Cloud Connect server and the Cloud Gateway in the service provider’s infrastructure may cause a tenant's  job targeting a Cloud Repository to begin failing with the error:

There is no FIB [summary.xml] in the specified restore point. Failed to restore file from local backup.


This resolution section has been expanded to cover different variations of scenarios that Service Providers may face. As with all Veeam KB Articles, this article will be updated as more information and improved resolution steps become available.

This article utilizes expandable sections for each scenario to ensure readers can find the information they need efficiently.


Expand the section below that represents your situation.

Upgraded to VCC v12.2 and Tenants Are Impacted

Service Providers operating Veeam Cloud Connect v12.2 (build that have tenants reporting that their jobs have failed are advised to perform the following steps to remediate their situation.

  1. Download the Hotfix and Remediation Scripts.
  2. Extract the hotfix package to a folder on the Veeam Cloud Connect server.
  3. Switch the SP backup server to the Maintenance mode.
  4. Once all tenant jobs have stopped or been completed, disable all tenant accounts.
  5. On the machine where Veeam Cloud Connect is installed, run veeam_backup_12.2.0.334_PrivateFix_TF787128.exe.

     The hotfix installer may require a reboot after installation is complete. Please plan accordingly.
  6. Create a backup of the configuration database.
  7. Extract the Remediation Scripts package and identify the SQL script applicable to the database engine hosting the configuration database.
    • For Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or 2014, use DeletingStorageswithoutFIB_MSSQL2012-2014.txt
    • For Microsoft SQL Server 2016 or higher, use DeletingStorageswithoutFIB_MSSQL2016+.txt
    • For PostgreSQL, use DeletingStorageswithoutFIB_PG.txt
  8. Open the appropriate database management software and connect the SQL server hosting the Veeam Cloud Connect configuration database.
    For information about identifying the location of the VCC configuration database, review the Identify Veeam Database Location section of Veeam KB1471.
  9. Use the SQL script to repair the Configuration Database.
    1. Paste the contents of the appropriate DeletingStorageswithoutFIB script into a new SQL query.
      • For SSMS, right-click on the database, select “New query,” then paste the text from the script file.
      • For pgAdmin, right-click on the database, select “Query Tool,” then paste the text from the script file.
    2. Execute the script against the Veeam Cloud Connect Configuration Database
    3. Review the message output and collect the list of deleted storage for later use.
    4. Repeat the previous two steps (9b and 9c) until the script output reports no storages were deleted (0 rows affected).
  10. Using the list of deleted storages you collected in Step 9c, locate and remove those storages from the cloud repositories.
    You may proceed without completing this step right away. Please remember to perform this cleanup step at a later time.
    Those storages will remain in the repository until they are manually cleaned up.
  11. Enable the tenant accounts that were disabled in Step 4.
  12. Switch the SP backup server to normal operational mode.
  13. Notify all active tenants to first rescan the Service Provider and then start their jobs.

    Failure to rescan first will not directly affect the jobs; the rescan simply ensures that tenants will not have latent restore point entries for partial restore points that were cleaned up as part of Step 9.
Upgraded to VCC v12.2 and Tenants Are Not Reporting Issues

Service Providers operating Veeam Cloud Connect v12.2 (build that have no tenants reporting that there jobs have failed are advised to download and install the hotfix as soon as possible to prevent any occurrences of this issue.

  1. Download the Hotfix.
  2. Switch the SP backup server to the Maintenance mode.
  3. On the machine where Veeam Cloud Connect is installed, run veeam_backup_12.2.0.334_PrivateFix_TF787128.exe.

    Note: The hotfix installer may require a reboot after installation is complete. Please plan accordingly.
  4. Switch the SP backup server to normal operational mode.

This hotfix will ensure that should network connection drops occur, they will not impact tenants’ jobs.

Planning to Upgrade to Veeam Cloud Connect 12.2

Service Providers who are planning to upgrade to Veeam Cloud Connect v12.2 (build are advised to upgrade using the following procedure to prevent any occurrences of this issue:

  1. Download the Hotfix.
  2. Switch the SP backup server to the Maintenance mode.
  3. Once all tenant jobs have stopped or completed, disable all tenant accounts.
  4. Upgrade to Veeam Cloud Connect v12.2 (including reboot if notified of it)
  5. After upgrade to Veeam Cloud Connect v12.2 is completed, install the hotfix.

    Note: The hotfix installer may require a reboot after installation is complete.
  6. Enable tenant accounts that were disabled in Step 3.
  7. Switch the SP backup server to normal operational mode.

Download Information

Reboot May Be Required

Please note that a reboot may be required after installing the hotfix.

Please plan accordingly.

Remote Acces Console to Tenant's Backup Server
As Remote Access Console requires that the version of Veeam Backup & Replication on both the Service Provider and Tenant sites must be the exact same version, this hotfix should be deployed to the tenant's Veeam Backup & Replication server if there is a need to utilize the Remote Access Console with that tenant.

Updated: 2024-09-10

MD5: 70E5BD47A621B07134B92F03CD6231B8
SHA1: AC2B06982E241593E783C567A488E945ED2BFCE8

DOWNLOAD remediation scripts

Updated: 2024-09-13

MD5: 50227D39B9A2D3F09A66D0949958E88D
SHA1: 7A12E535C059454BA4DBC417D2E69894C5BB0D6E

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