#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Veeam Recovery Orchestrator Vulnerability (CVE-2024-29855)

KB ID: 4585
Product: Veeam Recovery Orchestrator | 7.0 | 7.1
Published: 2024-06-10
Last Modified: 2024-09-23
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Veeam Software Security Commitment
Veeam® is committed to ensuring its products protect customers from potential risks. As part of that commitment, we operate a Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) for all Veeam products and perform extensive internal code audits. When a vulnerability is identified, our team promptly develops a patch to address and mitigate the risk. In line with our dedication to transparency, we publicly disclose the vulnerability and provide detailed mitigation information. This approach ensures that all potentially affected customers can quickly implement the necessary measures to safeguard their systems. It’s important to note that once a vulnerability and its associated patch are disclosed, attackers will likely attempt to reverse-engineer the patch to exploit unpatched deployments of Veeam software. This reality underscores the critical importance of ensuring that all customers use the latest versions of our software and install all updates and patches without delay.
Article Applicability

This article documents a vulnerability discovered in the Web Console component of Veeam Recovery Orchestrator.

This vulnerability does not affect other Veeam products (e.g., Veeam Backup & Replication, Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows, Veeam ONE, Veeam Service Provider Console, etc.).

Issue Details


A vulnerability (CVE-2024-29855) in Veeam Recovery Orchestrator (VRO) version allows an attacker to access the VRO web UI with administrative privileges.

Note: The attacker must know the exact username and role of an account that has an active VRO UI access token to accomplish the hijack.

Severity: Critical
CVSS 3.1 Score:


The vulnerability discussed in this article was resolved starting in:

  • Veeam Recovery Orchestrator
  • Veeam Recovery Orchestrator

Deployment Information

New Veeam Recovery Orchestrator Release

All customers are advised to upgrade their Veeam Recovery Orchestrator deployment to version or higher.

Note: Veeam Recovery Orchestrator is included within VeeamDataPlatform_23H2_20240825.iso.

The patches below only resolve the vulnerability documented in this article for Veeam Recovery Orchestrator. They do not mitigate the announced vulnerabilities that exist in the build of Veeam Backup & Replication used by Veeam Recovery Orchestrator or For that reason, we strongly encourage all customers to upgrade to Veeam Recovery Orchestrator version or higher, which utilizes the latest Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam ONE releases to mitigate the vulnerabilities announced in KB4649.

The updated build number will only be displayed within the Programs & Features (appwiz.cpl) entry for Veeam Recovery Orchestrator. The build number shown within the UI and logs will still be listed as the previous version.

The build number displayed in the UI and logs will be updated in the next Veeam Recovery Orchestrator release.

For Veeam Recovery Orchestrator build

For environments operating VRO, either upgrade to or install the following patch to update to build

To update: download the patch (.msp) file and execute it on the VRO server using an Administrative Command Prompt or Administrative PowerShell console.

Download VRO to Patch
Filename:  VRO.WebUI.x64_7.0.0.379.msp
MD5: B7997EEDC6BFF93C78B40D6F416245AE
SHA1: C9BDA93F41E9D83B9D17A2570840FE1EB5F5C5E6

For Veeam Recovery Orchestrator build

For environments operating VRO, install the following patch to update to build

To update: download the patch (.msp) file and execute it on the VRO server using an Administrative Command Prompt or Administrative PowerShell console.

Download VRO to Patch
Filename: VRO.WebUI.x64_7.1.0.230.msp
MD5: 357E4D897ABECA9955A90CE2A5B38611
SHA1: 5703D14AE437FB0BDD47FB44EB278CFBDD80C0CE

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