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My Account Portal "Recovery email for case contact" Guide

KB ID: 4308
Published: 2022-05-11
Last Modified: 2023-03-21
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The Recovery email for case contact is a feature within the My Account portal that allows each customer to assign an additional email address which will be CC'd on all emails sent by Veeam Support from a case. This additional email address does not have to be associated with the customer's company email domain and can be a third-party free email address.


Note: The Recovery email for case contact cannot be used as an alternate email address to login into the My Account portal, nor can it be used to recover access to a My Account portal account. That functionality is available using the "attach social account" feature, which allows a customer to sign in to their Veeam My Account using their social account credentials.


A Recovery email for case contact can be:

  • Assigned within the account settings and apply to all active and future cases.
Screenshot of My Account settings
  • Assigned individually during initial case creation.
During case creation screenshot
  • Assigned individually to an existing case.
Add to existing case screenshot

Considerations and Limitations

  • Only a single email address may be specified as the "Recovery email for case contact" or "Additional contact." 
  • When the "Additional Contact" input box is submitted, the text will be parsed, and only the first email detected will be added as the "Additional Contact" for that case.
  • Customers can remove the additional contact assigned to a case using the "Update additional contact" and update it with a blank field.
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