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Scale-Out Backup Repository Offload task fails with "There is not enough space on the disk"

KB ID: 4283
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication | 12 | 12.1 | 12.2 | 12.3 | 12.3.1
Published: 2022-03-02
Last Modified: 2024-06-05
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Article Applicability
This KB Article is specific to an issue where a SOBR Offload task fails with an error reporting that "There is not enough space on the disk" and the path specified in the error contains 'VeeamBackupTemp'.


Scale-Out Backup Repository's Offload task fails with errors like:
There is not enough space on the disk.
Failed to write data to the file
There is not enough space on the disk. 
Unable to reset file size: trunk operation has failed.
File: [C:\Windows\TEMP\VeeamBackupTemp\...].
Screenshot of not enough free space error


This error occurs when the drive of the gateway server being used to offload data to object storage has insufficient space.


  • The gateway server for an Object Storage Repository is assigned on the Account tab of the Object Storage Repository creation wizard[1]. If a gateway server is not explicitly assigned, Veeam Backup & Replication will assign the role of gateway server to one of the Performance Tier repository servers.
  • The default cache folder used on the gateway server for Offload tasks:
    • Windows Gateway: %temp%\VeeamBackupTemp
      As the service on the gateway runs under the System account, %temp% is C:\Windows\Temp\
    • Linux Gateway: /root/tmp/VeeamBackupTemp
    • Hardened Linux Gateway:  /home/%user_name%/tmp/
      Where %user_name% is the account provided as part of the one-time credentials.
  • The amount of space required is based on the amount of data being offloaded during a given offload session's sub-task—approximately 2GB per 1TB of data actively being offloaded at a given time. If multiple offload sub-tasks occur during a session, only the active sub-tasks will require cache space.

Option 1: Increase free space on Gateway Server

  • If a specific server has been selected to be the gateway server[1] for the Object Storage Repository, review the free space of that machine and ensure that the default location has sufficient free space. 
  • If no specific server has been selected to be the gateway server, review each of the Windows\Linux repository servers acting as Performance Tier extents of the Scale-Out Repository and ensure sufficient free space is available. 


Option 2: Use a different Gateway Server

Edit the Object Storage Repository assigned as the Capacity Tier for the Scale-Out Backup Repository and assign a gateway server[1] with sufficient free space.

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