#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Veeam Service Provider Console v5 Patch 4

KB ID: 4223
Product: Veeam Service Provider Console | 5.0
Published: 2021-10-12
Last Modified: 2021-10-13
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More Recent Version Available

Please find the latest version of Veeam Service Provider Console here:



Please confirm you are running version or later before installing Patch 4. You can check this by logging in to the backup portal and navigating to the Configuration > Support Information tab. After upgrading, your server build will be


  • The user login process has been optimized for large-scale Active Directories. To set custom cache parameters, contact Veeam technical support team.
Veeam Cloud Connect Integration
  • The data collection engine for Veeam Cloud Connect servers has been optimized.
  • The task for retrieving managed agent backups has been optimized
Veeam Backup & Replication Integration
  • The data collection engine for managed Veeam Backup & Replication servers has been optimized.

Resolved Issues

  • VSPC fails to upgrade when special characters are used in the password of the connection string to a SQL Server hosting the VSCP database
  • Under certain conditions, backup portal users who do not have any access to the VSPC server can call an endpoint to download specific files from the server.
  • When running a remote backup agent patch operation, backup portal users can upload files to the VSPC server without having any access to the machine.
  • Under certain conditions, the “Max allowed job duration” alarm returns incorrect duration values.
  • When a tenant with a zero UID is present in the Veeam Cloud Connect database, a monthly license usage report cannot be generated.
  • Monthly license usage report fails to generate for Veeam Backup & Replication 11a servers.
Veeam Backup & Replication Integration
  • Backup copy jobs running in the immediate mode do not display any transferred data.
Restful APIs v2
  • Under certain conditions, deleting backup resources for a tenant can time out with an error.
  • Tenant creation task fails when multi-factor authentication settings are enforced in the backup portal.
  • When managing Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager (VBEM) servers of version 9.5, various VBEM-related endpoints fail with NullReference exceptions.
  • “GET /v2/computers” endpoint fails for computers in the rejected state
Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure Integration
  • Under certain conditions, the VSPC management agent fails to collect backup policies data from managed Veeam Backup & Replication servers.
Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Integration
  • Under certain conditions, a license key cannot be updated for the managed backup agent.
  • When updating backup policies, account passwords from application-aware processing options can be reset.
ConnectWise Manage Integration
  • Subscription plan selection can fail when there are more than 50 000 products created in ConnectWise Manage.
  • Data synchronization fails when there are companies with the same name registered on different sites.

 Note: After installing this patch, you will need to re-apply all custom changes (for example, disabling the reboot remote computer option via VSPC config)

Download Information

To install Patch 4, perform these steps:

  1. Back up the VSPC configuration database.
  2. Log off from all active VSPC UI sessions.
  3. Execute ApplicationServer.x64_5.0.0.7151.msp file as administrator on the VSPC server.
  4. Execute WebUI.x64_5.0.0. 7151.msp file as administrator on the VSPC UI (IIS) server.
  5. Execute ConnectorService.x64_5.0.0. 7151.msp as administrator on the VSPC server.
MD5: A1ECAF9F3690549708632CD183D7EC90
SHA1: 2AAA1338A6FFC05CBBDE2E8D2DD58875CB632B2A
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