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This article documents the procedure for implementing database partitioning to improve the performance of Veeam ONE deployments where the database in use was first created using Veeam ONE 9.x or older.
Starting with Veeam ONE version 10, all newly deployed Veeam ONE databases are already configured with partitioning. However, Veeam ONE deployments that were upgraded from the older versions (8.x, 9.x) do not have database partitioning automatically applied. For such databases, database partitioning must be applied manually.
Use the following SQL query to check the current database partitioning implementation state. The output message will advise you on what actions need to be taken.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = 'monitor' AND table_name = 'PerfSampleDay')
PRINT 'Modern database partitioning is already implemented. No actions are required.';
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.partition_schemes WHERE name IN ('Low_ps_dt', 'Med_ps_dt'))
PRINT 'Legacy database partitioning detected. Contact Veeam Support for assistance upgrading to modern database partitioning.';
ELSE PRINT 'No database partitioning detected. Use the script on to apply modern database partitioning.';
EXEC monitor.sp_convert_perf_table 'PerfSampleMed', 604800, 86400
DECLARE @RetentionPolicyPeriod_Sec bigint = (select top 1 coalesce(RetentionPolicyPeriod,12) from common.ServerSettings)*2629746
EXEC monitor.sp_convert_perf_table 'PerfSampleDay', @RetentionPolicyPeriod_Sec, 2678400
EXEC monitor.sp_convert_perf_table 'PerfSampleLow', @RetentionPolicyPeriod_Sec, 2678400
When the process is complete, all three tables will be partitioned and ready to use.
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