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Warning 1327. Invalid Drive: F:\
Error 1327. Invalid Drive: F:\
The settings in the registry for one or both of the following services are targeting a drive location that no longer exists:
The invalid registry entries often occur because during the initial installation of Veeam Backup & Replication a drive with a larger amount of free space than the C:\ drive was present. This is because the installer will detect which drive has the greatest free space and uses that for the above services. If that driver is later removed, the settings in the registry will still point to that drive. During the future upgrade process, when the upgrade installer attempts to check the existing configuration, it finds that it cannot access that drive location.
Check the following registry locations and values. Make sure the path in the registry targets a location that is available.
The above "Default" paths shown are what would have been selected if there was no other drive on the Veeam server during the initial install.
The message "Warning 1327. Invalid Drive" occurs during the upgrade process when the installer is on the stage of "Installing Veeam Backup Catalog..."
Check the registry value named CatalogPath found in the key HLM\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup Catalog
The value's data should be a path to an existing drive letter. If the drive letter shown does not exist, edit the entry and change only the drive letter.
Attempt the upgrade again. During the upgrade, the installer will automatically create the folder in the newly specified location and recreate the missing VBRCatalog share.
Log example:
***Veeam*** Reading 'CatalogPath' from register.
***Veeam*** 'CatalogPath' is found. Its value is 'F:\VBRCatalog'.
The message "Error 1327. Invalid Drive" occurs during the upgrade process when the installer is on the stage of "Installing Veeam Backup & Replication Server..."
Check the registry value named RootFolder found in the key HLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Veeam\Veeam NFS
The value's data should be a path to an existing drive letter. If the drive letter shown does not exist, edit the entry and change only the drive letter.
Attempt the upgrade again.
Log example:
***Veeam*** NFSRootFolder='F:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\IRCache\'.
***Veeam*** Expanded NFSRootFolder='F:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup\IRCache\'.
How to move the VBRCatalog:
The IRCache location is controlled within Veeam Backup & Replication by the mount server setting within a repository using the Veeam server as the Mount server.
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