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How to Attach Files to a Veeam Support Case

KB ID: 4162
Published: 2021-05-12
Last Modified: 2024-09-11
Languages: JP
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This article documents how to attach files to a Veeam Support case.


Below are the two methods (portal or SFTP) used to attach files to a support case.

Expand a section to learn more.

Attach files to the Support case via the My Account portal.
  1. Sign In to the My Account portal.
Screenshot showing the My Account sign in page.
  1. Expand the Support section
  2. Click My Cases
Screenshot displaying the Support section expanded and the mouse selecting the My Cases section.
  1. Locate the Support Case you are adding logs to and click Update case
Screenshot showing  the location of the Update case link on right most side of the case in the list of cases.
  1. On the Case Summary page click Add logs
Screenshot showing the Add logs link in the top right of the Case Summary page.
  1. On the "Add attachments to case" page, ensure the correct Log storage location is selected using the drop-down box. Select the bucket location nearest to you.
Screenshot showing Log storage location options, displayed are United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and China buckets.
  1. Drag & Drop files into the "Upload files" box or click the choose files link to open a file selector.

    Note: There is a maximum individual file size limit of 5GB. If you need to upload a file larger than 5GB either (a) use SFTP method described in the other attachment option section of this page or (b) split the single file as described here.
Screenshot showing the Upload Files section of the page, specifically the mouse is shown hovering over the "choose files" option.
  1. After you have selected a file to be uploaded a completion percentage will be shown as the file uploads.
Screenshot showing that a file has been uploaded and demonstrating the upload completion percentage.
  1. Once the upload has been completed, the Submit button will change from grey to green, indicating that you are ready to proceed. Click Submit to attach the file to the case.
Screenshot showing that a file has been uploaded to the page and that the Submit button is now green, the mouse cursor is shown hoevering over the Submit button.
Attach files to the Support case via SFTP using WinSCP

The instructions below assume you have already generated an SFTP account for your case. If you have not done so or need to find the SFTP login details, please review KB1661.

If you upload logs via SFTP, remember to send an email on the case to notify the Support staff that you have uploaded a file.

More information regarding WinSCP usage can be found here: https://winscp.net/eng/docs/guide_connect.


  1. Locate the SFTP link for your case by clicking Update Case in the My Cases view.
Screenshot showing the case summary page with the mouse hovering over the Link next to the SFTP Link field.
  1. If you have WinSCP installed and it is set as the default application for handling SFTP protocol, simply click on the link, and your browser will open WinSCP and connect. (If this works, skip to step 5, if not, go to the next step.)
Shown is the chrome popup message asking the user if Chrome should open the SFTP link with WinSCP
Shown here is the prompt from Chrome when clicking on the SFTP Link asking to open WinSCP
  1. If WinSCP is not associated with the SFTP protcol you will need to right-click on the SFTP Link and copy it to the clipboard.
Shown is the context menu which has appeared after right-click on the SFTP Link, the mouse is shown selecting "Copy link address"
  1. Open WinSCP and paste the SFTP information into the "Host name:" field in the WinSCP Login screen. It will auto-populate the necessary fields.
  2. Click Login
Shown is the WinSCP Login page with the fields populated with the information from the copied SFTP Link information
  1. Once connected, upload files you would like to attach to the case.
    Note: If there is a folder named "Upload", place files inside that folder.
Veeam SFTP does not support SETSTAT command

Veeam's SFTP servers block the SETSTAT command, which WinSCP sends after a file has been successfully uploaded. WinSCP will display a warning message stating:

The server does not support the operation.
Error code: 8
Error message from server (US-ASCII): SETSTAT unsupported

It is safe to skip the warning about failing to set the timestamp. WinSCP will only attempt to set the timestamp of a file after it has been successfully uploaded. Preserve timestamp for uploaded files is a default setting within WinSCP.

Attach files to the Support case via SFTP using CLI

The instructions below assume you have already generated an SFTP account for your case. If you have not done so or need to find the SFTP login details, please review KB1661.

If you upload logs via SFTP, remember to send an email on the case to notify the Support staff that you have uploaded a file.

  1. Locate the SFTP link for your case by clicking Update Case in the My Cases view.
Screenshot showing the case summary page with the mouse hovering over the Link next to the SFTP Link field.
  1. Right-click on the SFTP Link and copy it to the clipboard.
Shown is the context menu which has appeared after right-click on the SFTP Link, the mouse is shown selecting "Copy link address"
  1. Paste the SFTP link with username and password embedded into the text editor of your preference.

    The SFTP link will be formatted as: sftp://ftp00000000:p455w0rd@us.sftp.veeam.com
  2. Reformat the text to remove the :password so that it is only username@sftpserver
  3. Open an Administrative Command Prompt and enter the command:
    sftp username@sftpserver
  4. If prompted to trust the RSA key fingerprint of the sftpserver, enter yes, and hit enter.
    Note: The letters you type will not appear in the CLI.
  5. When prompted, paste the password and hit enter.
  6. Once connected, the prompt will change to show
  7. Use the put command and the full path to the file that needs to be uploaded.

More Information

Log Upload Location Option

All files uploaded via SFTP are stored in secure AWS S3 storage by default. You may opt-out of storing files on AWS S3, by doing so you opt-out your entire company. Opting out will cause all users in your company to be restricted to only using SFTP to upload logs to SFTP servers hosted by Veeam Software.

The opt-out option can be found in your My Portal profile details page.

To opt back in to using AWS S3 for storing uploaded files, simply uncheck the box.

Optout option in profile page
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