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You should use your email associated with the company you work with.
If you have worked with Veeam Support before, search through your email client to see which email Veeam Support was communicating with. That email is likely associated with your contact profile.
If you have never worked with Veeam Support, create a new Veeam Account using your work email.
Attempt to log in using your work email and the password you think you may have used. If that fails, try resetting your password.
If you don't receive an email with directions on how to reset your password within 30 minutes, create a new Veeam Account.
Use the reset password page found here:
If you don't receive an email with directions on how to reset your password within 30 minutes, create a new Veeam Account.
Each Veeam Account is unique and tied to the email address for which it was created. It is not possible to change the email address of the account. You must create a new Veeam Account. After creating a new account, create a General Inquiry ticket using that new account and request assistance with merging your old account with the new one. A generalist will assist in merging your old contact in our CRM so that your previous cases will be visible using the new account.
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