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My Account Portal: "No licenses can be found for your account"

KB ID: 4154
Published: 2021-05-03
Last Modified: 2025-03-28
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After logging in to the My Account portal, the "No licenses can be found for your account" message is shown on the "Production licenses" page.


information message


This issue commonly occurs because either (a) there are multiple companies associated with your Veeam Account and you need to switch which company's licenses you are attempting to view or (b) your Veeam Account is not correctly associated with you company on the backend.

At the top of the My Account portal you will see the name of the company that you are currently viewing information for. If there is a down arrow "▼" next to the company name click the company name and switch to the correct company.


If after switching companies with the selector you are still unable to see the licenses you are expecting, or there are no other accounts to switch to, please create a Licensing Support case.

When you create the Licensing Support case be sure and provide the following information:

  • Email address that is associated with your Veeam Account
  • Support ID of the license that you are expecting to to see in the My Account portal
  • Name of the company for which the license is associated

More Information

License Management Section - Minimum Browser Width

The License Management section of the My Account portal has a minimum browser width requirement. If you attempt to view this section with a browser that is too narrow or if the page is zoomed in excessively, you will encounter the following message: 

This functionality is unavailable on mobile devices. Please switch to the desktop.

This issue can occur even when you are not viewing the page on a mobile device. To resolve this, you can either widen your browser window, zoom out, or switch to a browser on a device with a higher screen resolution.

If you do not work for the company you are attempting to view licenses for (or may be listed under a different office), you will need to ask the License Administrator to assign you as a Case Administrator. Please review https://www.veeam.com/kb2211

If you are a Veeam ProPartner attempting to manage licenses or create cases on behalf of your customer, please review: https://www.veeam.com/kb2836

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