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Veeam Support for Azure Stack Edge

KB ID: 4041
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication
Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows
Veeam Agent for Linux
Published: 2020-11-04
Last Modified: 2022-08-10
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Veeam supports using Veeam Agents for Windows and Linux to backup virtual machines running on Azure Stack Edge Compute.

Microsoft Azure Stack Edge brings compute and storage to the edge where data is created. Veeam Support for Azure Stack Edge Compute is separate to the support for Azure Data Box Storage.


Veeam Agents for Windows and Linux can be deployed using agent management via protection groups in Veeam Backup & Replication or as stand-alone with a Veeam repository as the target.

This setup will require network connectivity between the backup server and agents. For more information about the network ports that must be opened to ensure proper communication review the Veeam Agent Management used port documentation.


You can configure a Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows or Linux backup job as you would normally. Do note that not all restore options are available.

Consider that when choosing your Veeam backup repository target that this is not located in the same environment as the one you are trying to protect. With Azure Stack Edge it is recommended that these backups are stored outside of the source environment but local to the site you wish to protect for performance reasons. You can then use Backup Copy Jobs in Veeam Backup & Replication to a secondary destination or Scale-out Repository Capacity Tier support to send this data to Azure Blob.


The following restore options are available for agent-based backups of VMs running on Azure Stack Edge.



Restore virtual machine

Restore support for Hyper-VvSphereAHV hosts, or to Microsoft Azure. Direct Restore to Azure Stack Edge is not supported.

Restore individual files and folders

File-level restores for Linux require a Linux server helper host.

Restore application items

Restore application items from a Veeam Agent backup using Veeam Explorers

Export machine disks as VMDK, VHD or VHDX disk

VHD restore generates dynamically expanding disks. Can be converted to fixed using Convert-VHD or third party software for use with Azure Stack Edge.

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