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There are several ways of applying the hotfix:
Using SQL Server Management Studio
Alternatively, check the same via Veeam ONE Settings Utility (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Veeam\Veeam ONE Settings).
ALTER TABLE monitor.BpCloudTenantVersionInfo
Using SQL command line
In case you do not have the Management Studio installed, run the hotfix against the Veeam ONE database using the SQLCMD utility:
Alternatively, check the same via Veeam ONE Settings Utility (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Veeam\Veeam ONE Settings).
sqlcmd -S SqlServerName -q "USE VeeamOne IF OBJECT_ID('monitor.[ENUM_CTVI_PV]', 'C') IS NOT NULL ALTER TABLE monitor.BpCloudTenantVersionInfo DROP CONSTRAINT [ENUM_CTVI_PV];"
sqlcmd -S SqlServerName\SqlInstanceName -q "USE VeeamOne IF OBJECT_ID('monitor.[ENUM_CTVI_PV]', 'C') IS NOT NULL ALTER TABLE monitor.BpCloudTenantVersionInfo DROP CONSTRAINT [ENUM_CTVI_PV];"
sqlcmd -S SqlServerName\SqlInstanceName -U username -P password -q "USE VeeamOne IF OBJECT_ID('monitor.[ENUM_CTVI_PV]', 'C') IS NOT NULL ALTER TABLE monitor.BpCloudTenantVersionInfo DROP CONSTRAINT [ENUM_CTVI_PV];"
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