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Scripts can be configured for the following action types:
You can use the following parameters in the command line for running the script:
Note: The executable script file must be located on the machine running the Veeam ONE Server component.
Below are examples of how a script can be used with the arguments passed from Veeam ONE Client.
In this example, 3 variables will be passed from Veeam ONE Client to a PowerShell script, and that script will use those variables as arguments to generate a log file listing the alarm's state changes.
Notification Action Configuration
Edit the Alarm, and add a 'Run script' action, and for the value specify the script and include the variables that will be passed to that script. For this example, the action value is:
powershell.exe C:\scripts\alarm.ps1 '%1' '%5' '%2'
# Assign input arguments to variables
# Format Text using Variables
$Text="$(Get-Date)" + "`r`n" + "$alarmName" + " alarm goes ->" + "$alarmState" + " on VM " + "$objectName" + "`r`n"
# Append text to log file.
$Text | Out-File E:\script\output.log -Append
Output Example
After alarms have triggered, the output.log should look similar to this:
With this understanding, you should be able to write any script needed for your environment using variables from Veeam ONE alarms.
If you have any further scripting questions or issues, contact Veeam Support, and we will help you to the best of our ability per our support policy.
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