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Job Fails Due to Quiesced Snapshot Creation Failure

KB ID: 1065
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication
Published: 2011-07-19
Last Modified: 2022-07-20
Languages: FR
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A Backup or Replication job for a VMware Virtual Machine fails with either of the following errors:

Failed to create VM snapshot. Error: CreateSnapshot failed, vmRef "vm-###", timeout "1800000", snName "VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT", snDescription "Please do not delete this snapshot. It is being used by Veeam Backup.", memory "False", quiesce "True" Cannot create a quiesced snapshot because the create snapshot operation exceeded the time limit for holding off I/O in the frozen virtual machine.
Failed to create VM snapshot. Error: CreateSnapshot failed, vmRef vm-###, timeout 1800000, snName VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT, snDescription Please do not delete this snapshot. It is being used by Veeam Backup., memory False, quiesce True
Veeam Error

Within the vSphere Environment the following error can be seen in the task list for the VM:

Cannot create a quiesced snapshot because the snapshot operation exceeded the time limit for holding off I/O in the frozen virtual machine
An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine. See the virtual machine's event log for details. An error occurred while taking a snapshot: Failed to quiesce the virtual machine. An error occurred while saving the snapshot: Failed to quiesce the virtual machine.
vsphere error


This error occurs when the VMware Environment fails to create the quiesced snapshot that was requested by Veeam Backup & Replication.

Veeam Backup & Replication will send the request for a quiesced snapshot only when the option "Enable VMware Tools quiescence" is enabled within the Backup/Replication job settings, and the VM that was being snapshoted was not processed using Application-Aware Processing.


VMware Provides the following troubleshooting article regarding issues with quiesced snapshot creation:



  • You can reproduce the quiesced snapshot creation failure by manually creating a snapshot on the VM that fails to be processed, deselecting the option "Include virtual machine's memory," and enabling the "Quiesce guest file system" option.
  • The option "Enable VMware tools quiescence" within Veeam backup/replication jobs is disabled by default (unchecked).
  • For Windows-based systems, it is recommended to use "Enable application-aware processing" instead of VMware Tools Quiescence.
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