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Hybrid Cloud Migration: Key Steps & Strategies

What is Hybrid Cloud Migration?

Hybrid cloud migration represents a strategic shift in how organizations manage their IT infrastructure. It's not just about moving workloads to the cloud but finding the right balance between on-premises resources and cloud services. By adopting a hybrid cloud architecture, organizations can harness the advantages of cloud computing, such as agility and scalability, while still retaining control over sensitive data and critical systems within their own data centers.

Types of Hybrid Cloud Migration Strategies

When embarking on a hybrid cloud migration journey, organizations can choose from several strategies based on their specific needs and priorities:

1. Rehosting ("lift & shift")

This approach involves migrating applications and data from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud without making significant changes to their architecture or code. While rehosting offers a quick and straightforward migration path, it may not fully capitalize on the benefits of cloud-native technologies.

2. Replatforming

Also known as "lift, tinker & shift," this strategy involves making minor adjustments to applications to optimize them for the cloud environment. This may include containerization, refactoring certain components, or leveraging platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings to enhance scalability and resilience.

3. Repurchasing

In some cases, it may be more cost-effective or practical to replace existing on-premises systems with cloud-native alternatives. This strategy involves evaluating cloud services and solutions that offer similar or enhanced functionality compared to legacy systems.

4. Refactoring

Refactoring, or "re-architecting," involves redesigning applications to fully leverage cloud-native features and services. This may involve breaking monolithic applications into microservices, adopting serverless architectures, or implementing modern development practices like DevOps.

5. Retiring

As part of the migration process, organizations should evaluate their existing IT landscape and identify legacy systems or applications that are no longer necessary or viable. Retiring or sunsetting legacy systems can streamline operations and reduce maintenance overhead.

6. Retaining

While migrating to the cloud offers numerous benefits, there may be certain workloads or data that need to remain on-premises due to regulatory compliance, performance requirements, or data sovereignty concerns. The retaining strategy involves identifying and managing such workloads effectively.

7. Reimagining

Beyond simply migrating existing workloads, organizations should also consider reimagining their business processes and IT architecture to fully leverage the capabilities of the cloud. This may involve exploring new revenue streams, adopting cloud-native technologies, or embracing digital transformation initiatives.

Each migration strategy has its own set of benefits and challenges, and the optimal approach will depend on factors such as the complexity of existing applications, budget constraints, and organizational priorities.

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Migration

The shift to a hybrid cloud model offers numerous benefits for organizations looking to modernize their IT infrastructure:

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Hybrid cloud environments provide the agility to scale resources up or down on demand, allowing organizations to adapt to changing business requirements more effectively. Whether it's handling seasonal spikes in demand or deploying new services rapidly, the flexibility of the cloud enables greater responsiveness and agility.

  • Cost Efficiency: By leveraging cloud resources, organizations can optimize their IT spending and avoid the costs associated with maintaining and upgrading on-premises infrastructure. The pay-as-you-go pricing model of cloud services ensures that organizations only pay for the resources they consume, eliminating the need for large upfront investments and reducing the risk of overprovisioning.

  • Security and Compliance: While security concerns are often cited as a barrier to cloud adoption, the hybrid cloud model offers a balanced approach that allows organizations to retain control over sensitive data while still taking advantage of the security capabilities of the cloud. By keeping critical systems and sensitive data on-premises, organizations can ensure compliance with industry regulations and data protection standards.

Steps in Hybrid Cloud Migration
Pre-Migration Preparation

  • Data Backups: Before initiating any migration, it's crucial to have comprehensive backups. This not only secures your data against potential loss during the migration process but also provides a fallback plan. Utilize both on-premises and cloud-based backup solutions for redundancy.

  • Application Assessment: Conduct a thorough inventory of your applications and workloads. Assess which applications are suitable for cloud migration, which need to be rearchitected or replaced, and which should remain on-premises. This step often involves performance and dependency analysis to ensure compatibility with cloud environments.

  • Stakeholder Communication: Clear communication with all stakeholders, including IT staff, department heads, and executive leadership, is essential. Establish expectations, communicate timelines, and address any concerns about the migration process. This ensures alignment and buy-in from all parts of the organization.


Migration Execution

  • Data Transfer and Synchronization: Migrate your data to the cloud environment using secure, efficient transfer methods. Consider bandwidth requirements, potential downtime, and data integrity checks. Synchronization tools can help keep data up-to-date across environments during the migration phase.

  • Application Migration: Based on the pre-migration assessment, execute the migration of applications. This can range from simple rehosting to complex rearchitecting or replatforming efforts. Ensure applications are optimized for cloud environments where it is possible to leverage the full benefits of cloud computing.

  • Testing and Validation: Rigorous testing is crucial to ensure that applications function correctly in the new environment. Perform load testing, security testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT) to validate performance and usability. Address any issues before considering the migration complete.


Post-Migration Optimization

  • Performance Monitoring: Continuously monitor the performance of applications and infrastructure in the cloud. Use cloud-native monitoring tools to track usage patterns, response times, and potential security threats. This data is invaluable for ongoing optimization efforts.

  • Resource Optimization: Cloud environments offer the ability to scale resources dynamically. Regularly review your usage and adjust resources to optimize costs and performance. Consider automated scaling solutions to adjust resources in real-time based on demand.

  • Continuous Improvement: Hybrid cloud migration is not a one-time event but a continuous process of improvement. Leverage the agility and the flexibility of the cloud to iterate on applications, adopting new technologies and practices like microservices, serverless computing, and DevOps to enhance agility and innovation.

Hybrid Cloud Migration Strategy Best Practices

  • Collaboration: Foster a collaborative culture across IT and business units to ensure that cloud strategies align with overall business objectives. Encourage cross-functional teams to work together on migration planning, execution, and optimization.

  • Training: Invest in training for your IT staff and developers. Understanding cloud technologies, security practices, and optimization techniques is crucial for leveraging the full potential of the cloud.

  • Governance and Auditing: Implement strong governance policies to manage cloud usage, compliance, and security. Regular auditing helps identify unnecessary expenditures, security vulnerabilities, and compliance issues, ensuring the health and efficiency of your cloud environment.

  • Regular Evaluation: The cloud landscape and your business needs will evolve. Regularly reassess your cloud strategy, architecture, and performance. Stay informed about new cloud services and features that could benefit your organization. 

Secure Your Hybrid Cloud with Veeam

Veeam provides industry-leading solutions for backup, monitoring and recovery of hybrid cloud environments. Our platform ensures your data is protected across both on-premises and cloud infrastructures, offering peace of mind and supporting business continuity. Contact us to discover how Veeam can enhance your hybrid cloud strategy and ensure your data is secure, accessible, and always available.

Visit Veeam's Cloud Backup Solutions to discover how you can embark on your journey towards a secure and resilient hybrid cloud environment.