#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience


New Veeam Reporter Provides Enterprise Reporting, Change Management and Capacity Planning for VMware

Columbus, Ohio, May 17, 2010 – Veeam Software, innovative provider of data protection, disaster recovery and systems management solutions for VMware virtual datacenter environments, today unveiled a major update, version 4.0, of its award-winning Veeam Reporter for VMware.  Veeam Reporter 4.0, formerly known as Veeam Reporter Enterprise, provides a single location where both business and technical users can perform enterprise reporting, change management and capacity planning for their virtual environment. “While server virtualization provides multiple compelling business benefits, it also adds complexity, which creates management challenges,” explained Ratmir Timashev, Veeam President and CEO. “Veeam Reporter addresses these challenges. With one solution, users can discover and document the virtual environment, manage change, and perform capacity planning.” Veeam Reporter is integrated with Veeam Business View to provide IT executives and managers with the analytics they need to manage the virtual environment from a business perspective. For example, IT managers can see how storage is allocated and utilized by business unit, department and type of application. Veeam Business View also identifies uncategorized virtual machines (VMs) with no owner assigned, helping to control VM sprawl. Easy to install and built to scale, Veeam Reporter 4.0 includes these additional enhancements:

  • Enterprise Reporting:  A new reporting engine, based on Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), enables users to access reports via a web-based interface. SSRS is very scalable and easily accommodates many simultaneous users. 
  • Change Management:  Improved change management reports, including new audit information for changed objects, enable users to see the “who, what, where, when and how” of every change. If a VM suddenly disappears, slows down or stops working altogether, users can quickly identify not only what changed but also who made the change.
  • Capacity Planning:  Version 4 can look into the future. With host utilization approaching 80 percent or more, capacity planning is a key virtualization management challenge. The product’s new capacity planning report pack projects future resource requirements based on historical growth and past performance. Reporter has the detailed data and built-in expertise needed to ensure service levels, even as demand grows. 
  • Redesigned web-based user interface and new dashboard capabilities: Version 4 includes a customizable dashboard that allows users to observe the most important aspects of the virtual environment at a glance. Reports can also be integrated into third-party dashboards and intranet web portals, such as Microsoft SharePoint.

Joe Gremillion, Network Support Specialist for the Dallas County Community College District, the largest undergraduate institution in Texas, said one of the biggest hurdles to virtualizing the organization’s entire datacenter is finding a way to comply with specific sections of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). PCI DSS is a set of policies and procedures that optimize the security of credit, debit and cash card transactions and protect cardholders against misuse of their personal information. “In order to virtualize the entire datacenter, we must meet specific PCI DSS requirements, including change and configuration control and management of our virtual machines and vSphere environment,” Gremillion explained.  “We had been searching for a single product to handle that requirement, and Veeam Reporter 4.0 is the answer. It will make my job so much easier and help our security administrator sleep easier at night.” “Virtualization can provide significant benefits, but, as with every new technological innovation, there are new challenges that can arise, especially as we see virtualization moving more rapidly into production,” commented Gartner® Research Vice President Cameron Haight. “Nowhere is this trade-off more apparent than with respect to IT operations. In this context, it isn\'t virtualization per se that causes potential issues, but a lack of understanding between cause and effect, due to a lack of visibility.  A clear view of relationships, configurations and dynamic changes across the virtual environment is essential.”

Pricing and Availability Veeam Reporter 4.0 is available immediately. North American MSRP starts at $375 per CPU socket. More information is available at http://www.veeam.com/vmware-esx-reporter.html. About Veeam Software Veeam Software, a premier-level VMware Technology Alliance Partner and member of the VMware Ready Management program, provides innovative software for managing VMware vSphere 4 and VMware Infrastructure 3. Veeam offers an award-winning suite of tools to assist the VMware administrator, including #1 for VMware backup: Veeam Backup & Replication; Veeam Reporter, for enterprise reporting, change management and capacity planning for VMware; Veeam Monitor, for VMware performance monitoring and alerting across multiple vCenters; and Veeam Business View, a free add-on that works with other Veeam products to provide business categorization for the VMware environment. With its acquisition of nworks, Veeam’s products include the nworks Management Pack and the nworks Smart Plug-in, which incorporate VMware data into enterprise management consoles from Microsoft and HP.  Learn more about Veeam Software by visiting www.veeam.com. Social Media Links Twitter: http://twitter.com/veeam LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1624687 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Veeam-Software/48046820798?ref=ts Media Contacts: Jeff Miller Davies Murphy Group jmiller@daviesmurphy.com +1 541 207 3461 Carrie Reber Veeam Software Carrie.Reber@veeam.com +1 614 339 8200