#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience
April 16, 2024
Duration: 00:54

Why Kubernetes Applications Need App-centric Data Protection

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why-kubernetes-applications-need-app-centric-data-protection video

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As organizations embrace cloud-native architectures for their enterprise and business-critical applications, Kubernetes is evolving beyond its conventional role as a container orchestration platform. Despite this, many organizations are still questioning whether they need to protect their containerized applications and how to go about it.

Watch this interactive webinar to learn how you can implement a comprehensive, application-centric data protection solution that can restore entire applications and their data quickly and reliably, including virtual machines (VMs) and their data deployed via KubeVirt.

Specifically, we’ll cover:

·       Integrations with common enterprise Kubernetes platforms, like Red Hat OpenShift, Microsoft AKS, AWS EKS, and more!

·       Embracing the multi and hybrid cloud and mobilizing cloud-native applications


Matt Slotten
Matt Slotten
Principal Solutions Architect, Veeam Software
Matt brings over 15 years of experience to his role as Principal Solutions Architect at Kasten. He has a background in cloud computing, DevSecOps, and IT infrastructure, including cloud infrastructure, virtualization, infrastructure-as-code (IaC), and web application development. Matt is passionate about learning, leveraging, and building open-source technology software projects both at work and in his free time.
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