#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Veeam adds millions of dollars’ worth of business value to LCR Group with Cloud Data Management

If we were to put a monetary figure onto what value Veeam has added to this organisation, it would be millions of dollars. Our old data centre could have burned down and we would have lost all our data and be absolutely nowhere today. If anything were to happen to the company, Veeam would be our saviour.
Ashlen Naicker
ICT Executive
LCR Group

The Business Challenge

LCR Group runs complex and simultaneous end-to-end logistics projects across a broad spectrum of industries and relies on the constant and consistent availability of data to keep its projects running on time. LCR also uses its large volume of data to create forecasting efficiencies that have significant impact on their bottom line.

“We use data to check our revenue, our asset utilisation, who our top performing customers are, where the gaps in the market are and how we can address them. That data also helps us forecast what machinery or hardware we require going forward. Our forecasting also helps determine things like when we should be changing engines in our machinery. Ultimately, our data is not only crucial to the many complex projects we run for our clients, but it also directly generates financial savings,” said Ashlen Naicker, ICT Executive at LCR Group.

The company’s legacy backup recovery solution was unable to match LCR’s innovation and technical excellence or provide transparency and ease of use – critical success factors in today’s data-driven business landscape.

“Even just getting to our data was a problem because it was located with a service provider that was really difficult to deal with. We actually didn’t know if our backups were even working, and when I called them to get a verification, I’d get nothing,” Naicker said.

From a technological point of view, the solution lacked reliability and could lead LCR Group to a potential business disaster if something went wrong.

Naicker explained, “The reliability of the setup was not good, but the partner at the time didn’t want to move into more advanced technology and was essentially using what I’d call a ‘home-grade backup’. It was just pulling from the virtual servers or the host service onto a narrow solution.”

“In my world, that’s a definite ‘no’, because a single point of failure there could have led us to a disastrous situation, so we made a decision to change that immediately.”

The Veeam Solution

Having worked extensively with Veeam solutions previously, Ashlen Naicker turned to Robert Hruswicki, Director at Techible, to help establish LCR’s best course of action as it moved to Nutanix technology. 

Naicker and Hruswicki were keen to avoid a messy and complex hybrid solution, but before long, Veeam released a new solution that perfectly met their needs: Veeam Backup for Nutanix AHV, alongside Veeam Backup Essentials.

“It’s just the way things worked out and time was on our side. When we first started looking there was no solution around, but Veeam came to the party with something in the pipeline. Soon we had something tangible we could test, and we’ve never looked back,” Naicker said.

Hruswicki added, “We were one of the first clients on this solution, picking up the licence as soon as it became available. It’s cutting-edge technology, so we expected a couple of small teething issues, but credit goes to the Veeam support team, for they were able to assist with everything, and ever since it’s been completely business as usual.”

The Veeam solution means Naicker can sleep easy at night, knowing his critical business data is safeguarded. Veeam’s industry-leading ease of use allows Naicker to manage LCR’s IT environment easily, while also training his internal team, he shared. 

“I’ve never actually read a Veeam ‘How To’ guide; it’s pretty much dive-in, and everything is designed for ease of use so that anyone can use it. I’ve got a lot of young staff in my team and I’m not always around, so it’s fantastic for me to be able to have that peace of mind that they don’t need a rocket science degree to manage the backups,” Naicker explained.

He added, “We’ve never had an incident with Veeam and hopefully that will continue, but I’m confident that if anything happened, Veeam would save the day. Real time, the ability to browse and recover is incredible. As for ease of access and ease of use, it’s second to none.”

The Results

Comprehensive Cloud Data Management solution safeguards all of LCR Group’s invaluable and critical business data 
“If we were to put a monetary figure onto what value Veeam has added to this organisation, it would be millions of dollars. Our old data centre could have burned down and we would have lost all our data and be absolutely nowhere today. If anything were to happen to the company, Veeam would be our saviour,” concluded Ashlen Naicker. 

Cost-effective and easy-to-use Availability solution restores confidence
“The bottom line is that there are no hoops to jump through; our data is all readily available whenever we need it,” said Ashlen Naicker. 

About Techible

Techible is a Brisbane-based technology company that designs secure and robust IT solutions. The IT service provider specialises in tech support, managed IT, cloud, audit and security, helping businesses streamline their day-to-day, align IT with the business’s goals and ultimately improve the bottom line. Through constant innovation, Techible ensures that their clients’ systems are secured, supported and maintained best-in-class.


LCR Group is a broad-spectrum mining and industrial services company with a safety-first approach. It provides leading innovative lift and shift materials handling solutions throughout Australia and Papua New Guinea. LCR is one of the leading and most experienced providers of its type, specialising in mining services, industrial services and end-to-end logistics solutions for the renewable energy business sector.


The high availability of data is crucial for LCR Group, which works across fast-paced industries and often runs many projects at the same time. Its legacy solution was located with a single service provider that was unable to keep up with industry innovation and relied on opaque practices and outdated technologies. The reliability of the setup was insufficient for LCR’s needs and the product was underperforming.


  • Comprehensive Cloud Data Management solution safeguards all of LCR Group’s invaluable and critical business data
  • Cost-effective and easy-to-use Availability solution restores confidence
  • Millions of dollars’ worth of extra value added to the business