Service | Inbound | Outbound |
aggregatedapis-svc | 443 | 10250 |
auth-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
catalog-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
controllermanager-svc | 8000,18000 | 8000,18000 |
crypto-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
bloblifecyclemanager-svc (co-located in crypto-svc pod) |
8001 | 8001 |
garbagecollector-svc (co-located in crypto-svc pod) |
8002 | 8002 |
repositories-svc (co-located in crypto-svc pod) |
8003 | 8003 |
dashboardbff-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
dex (co-located in auth-svc pod) |
8080 | 8000, 636 (secure LDAP) 389 (insecure LDAP) |
executor-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
frontend-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
gateway | 8000 | 8000 |
gateway-admin | 8877 | 8877 |
gateway-ext | 80 | 8000 |
jobs-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
kanister-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
logging-svc | 8000,24224,24225 | 24225, 24224, 8000 |
metering-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
prometheus-server | 80 | 9090 |
prometheus-server-exp | 80 | 9090 |
k10-grafana | 80 | 80 |
state-svc | 8000 | 8000 |
admin-svc (co-located in state-svc pod) |
8001 | 8001 |
events-svc (co-located in state-svc pod) |
8002 | 8002 |
K10 Multi-cluster | 6443 | * |
Service | Inbound | Outbound |
vbrintegrationapi-svc (co-located in dashboardbff-svc pod) |
8001 | 8000 |
datamover (is not a service but run in a pod on demand for upload (VBR backup), download (VBR restore), and retirement (VBR deletion) operations) |
10006 (vmb api port)* 2500 - 3300 (vmb agent port)* 51515 |
controllermanager-svc |
9419 (VBR RestAPI port)* 8000 |
*default values. Can be changed by VBR users.
Source | Destination | Port |
Worker Nodes | ESX Hosts | 902 |
This form is only for KB Feedback/Suggestions, if you need help with the software open a support case