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Unable to Connect Veeam Service Provider Console to Veeam Cloud Connect Server Using a Local Account

KB ID: 2665
Product: Veeam Service Provider Console | 6.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 8.1
Published: 2018-06-12
Last Modified: 2025-02-13
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Attempting to connect a Veeam Cloud Connect server through the VSPC web UI using a local account fails with the following error message:
Failed to connect to the server. Specified user is invalid or does not have enough permissions on the server.


The remote connection was blocked by UAC remote restrictions on the Windows OS of the Veeam Cloud Connect server.


Use Valid Account

When Veeam Service Provider Console Web UI is provided credentials to connect to a Cloud Connect Server to deploy the Management Agent, the user account provided must comply with the UAC remote restrictions. The account must be either:

  • A domain account that is a member of the Local Administrators group.


Local Account Workaround

If the Veeam Cloud Connect server you are trying to add is not joined to a domain, and you cannot use the Administrator account. The following method can be used to deploy the Management Agent manually and have it run as Local System.

For Veeam Service Provider Console 8.1 and higher
  1. Deploy Management Agents Manually on the Veeam Cloud Connect server you were attempting to add.
  2. The Veeam Cloud Connect server should now appear under Clients > Discovery.
  3. Navigate to the Agent Configuration folder:
    C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Veeam Availability Console\Configuration\Agent\
  4. Initially, there will be many (10+) .json files in the folder. Wait about 5 minutes* for all the configuration.overrides.00000.json files to be automatically merged.
    *The automatic merging of the configuration overrides json files occurs every 5 minutes. The waiting after manually deploying the management agent is to allow the configuration to stabilize and ensure that the value that needs to be adjusted will have been merged into the primary configuration.overrides.json file.
Initial burst of 18 auxilary json files
Example of multiple auxiliary configuration override json files.
Merge after 5 minutes After automatic auxiliary configuration override json file merge.
  1. Stop the Veeam Management Agent Service service.
  2. Open the configuration.overrides.json file.
  3. Identify the line for "Agent_AgentMode" and change the value from 4 to 3.
Agent Mode Change
  1. Start the Veeam Management Agent Service service.
  2. The Veeam Cloud Connect server will now appear under Configuration > Cloud Connect Server.
For Veeam Service Provider Console 8.0 and lower
  1. Deploy Management Agents Manually on the Veeam Cloud Connect server you were attempting to add.
  2. The Veeam Cloud Connect server should now appear under Clients > Discovery.
  3. Change the Management Agent mode as documented below so that it appears under Configuration > Cloud Connect Servers:
    1. Connect to the Veeam Cloud Connect server.
    2. Stop the Veeam Management Agent Service service.
    3. Set the Agent Mode to 3:
      • Open Registry Editor, and navigate to: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Veeam\VAC\Agent
      • Change AgentMode registry value to 3.
    4. Start the Veeam Management Agent Service service.
    Alternatively, run the following PowerShell script on the Veeam Cloud Connect server after manually deploying the Management Agent:
Get-Service VeeamManagementAgentSvc | Stop-Service
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\VAC\Agent\' -Name 'AgentMode' -Value 3 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
Get-Service VeeamManagementAgentSvc | Start-Service
  1. The Veeam Cloud Connect server will now appear under Configuration > Cloud Connect Server.

More Information

If none of the provided solutions are viable, it is possible to disable UAC remote restrictions. This will allow local accounts other than Administrator to be used for remote access. This option should be considered a last resort as it involves disabling a Microsoft Windows OS security feature.
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