Turning off the recipe processing feature on the source Data Domain system source for MTree replication will resolve the issue. A later DDOS 6.x release will fix the underlying issue, and recipe processing can then be re-enabled for performance reasons.
Customers should first verify their system matches the criteria for overcoming the issue:
1. Confirm that the system configured for VEEAM backups is also configured for Data Domain MTree replication:
# replication show config
In the output look for "mtree://"
2. Confirm if managed file replication (MFR) or backup replication via DD Boost) is being used, on the Data Domain you can use this command:
# ddboost file-replication show active all
Also verify in the backup application configurations. Once confirmed through the commands above your system may be a configuration where this issue applies, please do following or contact Dell/EMC support for assistance:
3. Disable running replication contexts and MFR tasks, if any.
4. Run command
5. Enable replication contexts and resume MFR tasks, if any.
Note the workaround to be performed by a Dell EMC TSE will require disabling Data Domain replication and MFR replication jobs, and will require downtime for the workaround to be completed.