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SQL VSS Writer is missing: databases will be backed up in crash-consistent state and transaction log processing will be skipped

KB ID: 2095
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication | 12 | 12.1 | 12.2 | 12.3
Published: 2016-02-10
Last Modified: 2025-02-19
Languages: JP
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A job displays the warning:

SQL VSS Writer is missing: databases will be backed up in crash-consistent state and transaction log processing will be skipped



Support Scope

Please note that the warning message displayed by Veeam Backup & Replication is a courtesy notification intended to inform the user that the 'SqlServerWriter' is missing from a machine where the software previously detected it as active.

While Veeam Support will do its best to help investigate why the 'SqlServerWriter' is missing, it may ultimately require assistance from Microsoft Support to resolve the issue.

Reported Solutions

Below is a list of potential solutions reported to us by customers from previous support cases.

  • Repair the VSS Writer
    Use the "Repair" function within Apps & Features for the Microsoft VSS Writer for SQL Server.
  • Check for Spaces in Database Names
    Confirm none of the databases within the Microsoft SQL Instance has a leading or trailing space in their name. If you notice any spaces in the database names, then you will need to remove the spaces from the database names. (Changing database names may require checking with the software using that database to make sure it can be changed to the new name.)

    The following SQL Query can be used to output a list of database names with the '#' symbol added to make it visually easier to identify if a database name has a leading or trailing space:
select '#' + name + '#' from sys.databases where name like '% %'
  • Check SQL Server VSS Writer Configuration
    Review the SQL Server VSS Writer permissions requirements.
    • The SQL Writer service must run under the Local System account.
    • The SQL Writer service needs sysadmin permissions in SQL Server because, in the course of its activities it briefly freezes all I/O for the instance of SQL Server.
  • Restart Service
    Restart the SQL Server VSS Writer service on the SQL Server.
  • Microsoft SQL on Domain Controller Incompatibility
    If Microsoft SQL has been installed on a domain controller, review and consider the following guidance from Microsoft:
    Security Considerations > Installing SQL Server on a domain controller
  • Confirm Writer has VSS Access
    Ensure that the SQL Writer service account (NT SERVICE\SQLWriter) has access to the Volume Shadow Copy service on the SQL server. This can be confirmed by checking for the following registry value.
    This registry value should be automatically created, and if missing, may indicate an incomplete Microsoft SQL deployment or manual interference.

    Key Location: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\VssAccessControl
    Value Name: NT SERVICE\SQLWriter
    Value Type: DWORD (32-Bit) Value
    Value Data: 1

More Information

More information about the SQL Writer Service is available here:
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