Adding a Hyper-V core server to Veeam fails. The following is present in logs:
[Timestamp] <92> Error Failed to start service 'VeeamDeploymentService'. Host: ‘x.x.x.x’..
[Timestamp] <92> Error Failed to start deployment service on the target host
[Timestamp] <92> Error --tr:Failed to install service [VeeamDeploymentService] was not installed on the host [].
[Timestamp] <57> Error [] Failed to install deployment service using IP ' x.x.x.x '. (System.Exception)
[Timestamp] <57> Error The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
[Timestamp] <01> Error Failed to start service 'VeeamDeploySvc'. Host: 'X.X.X.X'.
[Timestamp] <01> Error --tr:Error code: 0x00000002
[Timestamp] <01> Error Failed to start deployment service on the target host
[Timestamp] <01> Error --tr:Failed to install service [VeeamDeploySvc] was not installed on the host [X.X.X.X].