#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Attempt to launch Veeam Backup and Replication fails

KB ID: 1756
Version: 5.x, 6.x
Published: 2013-05-15
Last Modified: 2020-08-13
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An attempt to launch Veeam Backup & Replication fails with the message that Veeam Backup and Replication service is not running:

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The service can actually be seen as running:

User-added image

The following entries can be seen in VeeamShell.log:

[Timestamp] <01> Info     ------- Started new session of Veeam Shell -------
[Timestamp] <01> Info     Multi session mode: True
[Timestamp] <01> Info     Terminal Services session ID: 2
[Timestamp] <01> Info     Remoting options: []
[Timestamp]<01> Info     Registering TCP client channel [bstcp]

And Svc.VeeamBackup.log contains the following entries:

[Timestamp]<17> Info     Opening client session...
[Timestamp]<17> Info     CVbClientSessionStub [s0] was created. SessionUID: [cbdcaaa6-9d47-4dac-85e4-ddc5caed701d]
[Timestamp]<17> Info     Initialize lifetime service of CVbClientSponsor [ss0]
[Timestamp] <20> Info     [Session cbdcaaa6-9d47-4dac-85e4-ddc5caed701d] Closing...
[Timestamp]<14> Error    A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: Session Provider, error: 19 - Physical connection is not usable) (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException)


The previously registered channel connection is no longer available because the IP has been changed by DHCP server:
[Timestamp] <04> Info     Registering TCP server channel [bstcp]. Port: [9392]
[Timestamp]<04> Info     Skip down nic [Tunnel isatap.domain.local]
[Timestamp]<04> Info     Channel URIs:
[Timestamp] <04> Info         [tcp://]

You can also observe the following event in the Event Viewer -> Application and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Dhcp-Client:

User-added image


Restart the Veeam Backup Service
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