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Veeam ONE Reporter collects data from datastores using the SearchDatastoreSubFolders_Task tasks, which are pre-defined by vSphere. During that process, if a datastore becomes unavailable or experiences performance issues, Veeam ONE Reporter may be unable to complete data collection tasks against that datastore.
The collection job in Veeam ONE Reporter will finish with a "Warning" status. Additionally, the session log may contain the following entry:
There were errors while collecting VM files: Failed in retrieve some VM files because of the timeout is exceeded.
When this occurs, the following error messages appear in the log file:
C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Veeam ONE Reporter\Logs\Tasks\{hostname}.local.log
Failed to collect VM files: Datastore [{datastore_name}] timeout is exceeded
Unable to collect files information from datastore [{datastore_name}] in a timely manner due to high vCenter server load.
Veeam ONE Reporter uses a 900-second timeout to wait for 10 datastore search tasks (default number) to complete.
Any performance or access issues affect the entire collection process, and the collection job finishes with a "Warning" status.
The error messages above mean that some issues have occurred on datastores. Due to a lack of response, the datastore scan tasks have been marked as failed, and the data cannot be collected from some of the datastores.
The problem lies either with the datastore or the vSphere environment.
However, there are ways to work around these environmental performance issues by making the collection timeout within Veeam ONE Reporter high enough to allow all datastore tasks to be completed.
Note: This workaround does not fix the underlying environmental issue; it simply changes the SearchDatastoreSubFolders_Task task timeout to ensure adequate time for the datastore collection process to complete.
To successfully tune the product to complete your datastore search tasks, you must first identify a suitable timeout value for completing all the “SearchDatastoreSubFolders_Task” tasks, then apply registry changes and set the new timeout value.
Using the PowerCLI script below to simulate the “SearchDatastoreSubFolders_Task” tasks and determine how long it takes to complete all mentioned datastore tasks.
Download the VMware vSphere PowerCLI package for free by the following link:
Or install the module using the following command:
Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI
with the vCenter's hostname, FQDN, or IP.Connect-VIServer -Server <vcenter_name> -Credential (Get-Credential)
Note: This script does not directly reproduce the API calls that Veeam ONE Reporter uses but is a close approximation of the actions it takes.
# Display the current time and a message to indicate that datastores are being retrieved
Write-Host (Get-Date).TimeOfDay "Getting datastores..."
# Retrieve the list of all datastores
$datastores = Get-Datastore
# Display the current time and the count of datastores found
Write-Host (Get-Date).TimeOfDay "$($datastores.Count) datastores found."
# Create a FileQueryFlags object to specify which file details to retrieve
$fileQueryFlags = New-Object VMware.Vim.FileQueryFlags
$fileQueryFlags.FileSize = $true
$fileQueryFlags.FileType = $true
$fileQueryFlags.Modification = $true
$fileQueryFlags.FileOwner = $true
# Create a FileQuery object for searching files
$fileQuery1 = New-Object VMware.Vim.FileQuery
# Define a search specification for general file search
$searchSpec1 = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec
$searchSpec1.details = $fileQueryFlags
$searchSpec1.sortFoldersFirst = $true
$searchSpec1.MatchPattern += "*.*" # Match all files
# Define a search specification for finding VMDK-related files
$searchSpec2 = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec
$searchSpec2.details = $fileQueryFlags
$searchSpec2.sortFoldersFirst = $true
$searchSpec2.MatchPattern += "*delta.vmdk" # Match delta VMDK files
$searchSpec2.MatchPattern += "*flat.vmdk" # Match flat VMDK files
# Assign the file query to the general search specification
$searchSpec1.Query = $fileQuery1
# Iterate over each datastore
foreach ($datastore in $datastores) {
# Retrieve the view object of the datastore for detailed access
$datastoreView = $datastore | Get-View
# Check if the datastore is accessible
if ($datastore.Accessible -ne $true) {
# If not accessible, skip file collection and display a message
Write-Host (Get-Date).TimeOfDay "Skipping file collection because $($datastoreView.Summary.Name) ($($datastoreView.Summary.Datastore.Value)) is not accessible."
} else {
# Retrieve the view object for the datastore browser to perform searches
$datastoreBrowser = Get-View $datastoreView.Browser
# Construct the root path for searching
$rootPath = "[" + $datastoreView.Summary.Name + "]"
# Attempt to collect VMDK-related files
Write-Host (Get-Date).TimeOfDay "Trying to collect *.vmdk and *.flat files from $($datastoreView.Summary.Name) ($($datastoreView.Summary.Datastore.Value))."
$searchResult2 = $datastoreBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec2)
# Display completion message with the count of files found
Write-Host (Get-Date).TimeOfDay "Completed. $($searchResult2.Count) files found on $($datastoreView.Summary.Name) ($($datastoreView.Summary.Datastore.Value))."
# Attempt to collect other files
Write-Host (Get-Date).TimeOfDay "Trying to collect other files from $($datastoreView.Summary.Name) ($($datastoreView.Summary.Datastore.Value))."
$searchResult1 = $datastoreBrowser.SearchDatastoreSubFolders($rootPath, $searchSpec1)
# Display completion message with the count of files found
Write-Host (Get-Date).TimeOfDay "Completed. $($searchResult1.Count) files found on $($datastoreView.Summary.Name) ($($datastoreView.Summary.Datastore.Value))."
Assuming the script took longer than 900 seconds (15 minutes) to complete, adjust the GetVmSnapshotTimeout value to increase the timeout Veeam ONE Reporter uses to complete the entire datastore search process:
# Set value in seconds to be used for the GetVmSnapshotTimeout value. Shown is the default.
$time = 900
# Create or update the registry value
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Reporter Enterprise\' -Name 'GetVmSnapshotTimeout' -Value $time -PropertyType DWORD -Force
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