#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

2022 年勒索軟體趨勢報告資訊圖亞太地區和日本版本

2022 年勒索軟體趨勢報告資訊圖亞太地區和日本版本


Jason Buffington
Jason Buffington
Vice President, Solutions & Product Strategy, Veeam Software
Jason Buffington (@JBuff) is a Vice President within the Product Strategy team at Veeam. He has been in the data protection industry for over 30 years, working on a variety of backup, replication/failover, and BC/DR solutions within data protection vendors and Microsoft. Prior to joining Veeam, Jason was the Principal Analyst at the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) covering the myriad data protection vendors and providers in the IT industry. Outside of IT, Jason is an active volunteer leader in Scouting BSA. At Veeam, Jason focuses accelerating the success of enterprise customers through Veeam's key alliance partnerships, as well as strategic special projects, evangelizing thought leadership at key industry events, and communicating Veeam’s long-term vision and strategy.
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Julie Webb
Julie Webb
Director, Marketing Research and Analysis, Veeam Software
Dave Russell
Dave Russell
Veeam Software 企業策略部門副總裁
Dave Russell 已在儲存產業深耕 32 年,目前擔任 Veeam 企業策略部門的副總裁,負責推動策略性產品和上市計畫,同時引領公司在產業中的參與計畫,並宣傳 Veeam 的現代化資料保護願景。 加入 Veeam 之前,他在 Gartner 擔任了 13 年的副總裁兼特聘分析師,也在 IBM 服務了 15 年,從事大型主機和開放式系統備份/復原的產品開發工作。
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