What’s New in Veeam Recovery Orchestrator 7.2?

In 2025, enterprises face mounting challenges in meeting new regulatory requirements and maintaining compliance. This year marks the full implementation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) for countries part of the European Union (EU), requiring financial institutions as well as certain third-party service providers to demonstrate their ability to withstand, respond to, and recover from various disruptions and cyberthreats. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Cybersecurity, and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is finalizing mandatory cyberattack reporting regulations for those organizations that fall into the category of Critical Infrastructure as defined by the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act (CIRCIA).

These evolving regulations stem from the growing volume and sophistication of cyberthreats, which continue to put businesses under pressure. To stay ahead, organizations must prioritize regular testing, thorough documentation, and continuous updates to their incident response plans, ensuring they remain resilient and compliant in an increasingly complex regulatory landscape. Fortunately, Veeam Data Platform can help organizations of all sizes be able to meet these demands, and with the latest updates made available in Veeam Recovery Orchestrator v7.2, it’s never been easier to build documentation and orchestrate your cyber recovery plans.

In this latest release, data portability was a key focus with adding support for more sources and targets for recovery plans. For example, organizations looking to recover or migrate their data from vSphere to another location can now recover to either VMware, Microsoft Azure, or Microsoft Hyper-V. Let’s look at the latest enhancements for Veeam Recovery Orchestrator.

Cross-Platform Recovery

In today’s rapidly evolving IT landscape, businesses are prioritizing vendor flexibility to avoid being locked into specific hardware or hypervisor ecosystems. In 2024, a survey of 550 CIOs from enterprise organizations revealed a growing interest in alternative hypervisors due to recent changes by Broadcom. Among the respondents, 25% are considering a switch to Microsoft Hyper-V or Azure Local (formerly known as Azure Stack HCI), while another 24% are exploring cloud-hosted solutions or Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) on AWS. Ensuring seamless data portability for critical applications is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity. Veeam has been at the forefront of enabling this functionality, starting with Instant VM Recovery and expanding support for multiple hypervisors and cloud environments. Veeam Recovery Orchestrator v6 unlocked new capabilities, allowing users to restore backups from vSphere and Windows/Linux Agents to vSphere or Microsoft Azure. The latest release takes a significant leap forward, introducing support for Microsoft Hyper-V and Azure Local, empowering businesses to meet their cross-platform recovery needs.

With this enhanced cross-platform recovery, you can now restore VMware vSphere backups as Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines. Additionally, you can define pre-determined validation steps and leverage post-recovery validation to ensure a smooth and effective conversion process. This capability strengthens business resilience, providing flexibility to recover workloads across diverse environments while maintaining operational continuity.

Support for Microsoft Hyper-V

Cross-platform recovery is just the beginning of supported scenarios businesses can achieve with Veeam Recovery Orchestrator. Additionally, in V7.2, users will be able to take advantage of backups from Microsoft Hyper-V and restore them to Hyper-V as well. Veeam Data Platform has supported Microsoft Hyper-V as a backup source for well over 10 years now. This additional functionality will help organizations validate the effectiveness of their recovery plans, ensuring resilience when they need it the most. With full support for Readiness Checks, plans can be created to ensure that your Hyper-V backups will be ready for an orchestrated recovery when disaster strikes.

Achieving Data Portability at Scale

Veeam Recovery Orchestrator is designed to streamline large-scale recoveries, empowering IT operations teams to execute mass recoveries seamlessly during major outages. Its ability to automate and validate recovery processes ensures that organizations can restore critical systems quickly and efficiently. Getting started with testing this functionality is simple — just follow these three steps:

Step 1: Add Microsoft Hyper-V to Your Infrastructure

  • In Veeam Recovery Orchestrator, navigate to the Administration tab.
  • Under Infrastructure, add Microsoft Hyper-V System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM).

Step 2: Configure Recovery Locations

  • Under Recovery Locations, add a new recovery site.
  • Select the host and resources to be used for the recovery process.

Step 3: Create and Execute a Restore Plan

  • Exit the Administrator tab and go to Restore Plans.
  • Select “Restore VMs to vSphere or Hyper-V” as your recovery option.
  • Choose the source backup data, whether from vSphere virtual machines or Hyper-V machines.
  • In this example, we’re using backups from vSphere machines.
  • Once the restore plan is created, execute the plan to begin the recovery process.

As the restore plan runs, backups are seamlessly converted into Hyper-V machines at the designated recovery site. Orchestrating recoveries at scale eliminates the risk of errors that come with manual recovery, while also ensuring full documentation of the process — validating the effectiveness of your disaster recovery strategy.


Cross-platform recovery and thorough documentation are essential for achieving operational resilience and meeting regulatory compliance. The ability to restore workloads seamlessly across different hypervisors and cloud environments ensures businesses can quickly recover from disruptions, minimizing downtime and data loss. However, organizations cannot forget how important it is to have comprehensive documentation updated to provide transparency, auditability, and validation of recovery plans that will prove compliance with industry regulations and internal policies. As cyberthreats and system failures become more complex, organizations must adopt a proactive, well-documented approach to disaster recovery, ensuring they can adapt, recover, and continue operations — no matter what challenges arise.

Want to learn more? Be sure to check out the Veeam Recovery Orchestrator page, as well as Veeam Data Platform Premium to for a complete look at what true enterprise resilience looks like.  

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