How to Develop a Disaster Recovery Plan for a Small Business

In a time when threats range from natural disasters to cyberattacks, small businesses must prepare for the unexpected. Developing a comprehensive Disaster Recovery plan is not just a safety measure; it’s a vital part of ensuring your business’s resilience and stability. In this guide, we will explore the essential steps and measures a small business must take to not only anticipate, but also navigate through such crises. We’ll discuss essential tools and strategies to ensure IT continuity during and after a disaster.

A disaster recovery plan is a formal process that documents the steps your IT department needs to take to mitigate the effects of a disaster and to resume normal business operations in the shortest practical time.

Why Small Businesses Need a Disaster Recovery Plan

More than ever, small businesses rely on IT systems to run and manage their systems. These include systems for sales and marketing, procurement, payments, finance, and human resources. Technological SMBs also use them in design and manufacturing. Unplanned downtime and loss of data following a disaster have a significant impact on an SMB’s ability to survive, especially as most have limited financial resources. Risks include natural disasters such as storms, tornadoes, and flooding as well as cyberattacks that may include data theft, encryption, and small business ransomware. In the United Kingdom, almost half of all SMEs experienced a cyberattack in 2023. The 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report from Verizon noted that ransomware and extortion featured in 62 % of financially motivated incidents of cybercrime, resulting in a median loss of $46,000 per breach. To survive, you need a disaster recovery plan for small businesses.

Creating a Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan: Key Components and Steps

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 40% of small businesses never reopen after a disaster and another 25% fail within one year. To effectively manage these risks, small businesses must first conduct a comprehensive assessment of potential threats. This involves:

1. Identify Potential Disasters

As previously stated, the spectrum of threats encompasses a wide range, spanning from natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and storms to challenges like supply chain disruptions, cyberattacks, and technological disasters. Identifying these potential disasters is critical in preparing an effective response.

2. Conduct a Business Impact Analysis

A business impact analysis (BIA) helps in understanding the potential impact of a disruption on your business. This analysis focuses on critical business functions (such as Operations, Product/Service Development, Financial Management, etc.) and helps in prioritizing recovery objectives and possible consequences. Here is an overview of what a business impact analysis involves:

  1. Identifying critical business functions
  2. Identify potential disruptions
  3. Assess impact severity
  4. Set recovery time objectives
  5. Prioritize critical functions
  6. Identify dependencies
  7. Gather data and input
  8. Document BIA results
  9. Developing a business continuity plan
  10. Regular review and updates

For small businesses, the key is to keep the process simple, practical, and focused on the most critical aspects of your operation. While the scale may be smaller, the goal remains the same: to ensure that your business can continue functioning in the face of unexpected challenges or disasters.

3. Create a Disaster Recovery Team

In a small business, some team members may wear multiple hats, and roles may be adapted to fit specific organizational needs. The key is to ensure that responsibilities are clearly defined, and team members are trained and prepared to respond effectively to disasters or disruptions. Communication and coordination within the team are essential for a successful disaster recovery effort.

Team training is a crucial aspect of forming a disaster recovery team. Points to consider include:

  • Familiarization with the disaster recovery plan
  • Role-specific training
  • Training for different scenarios
  • Cross-training to ensure team members can fulfill different roles in an emergency
  • Disaster planning documentation
  • Disaster simulation drills

Typical roles and responsibilities are outlined in this table.

Roles and Responsibilities





Disaster Recovery Leader

The point person responsible for overseeing and managing the overall disaster recovery effort.

HR and Employee Support

Coordinates employee well-being and support during a disaster.

IT Specialist


Responsible for IT systems, networks, and data recovery.

Also ensures that critical IT systems are restored within defined RTOs and RPOs.

Finance and Resource  Manager

Manages the financial aspects of the recovery process, including budget allocation and expense tracking.

Data Backup and Recovery Specialist

Focuses on maintaining and restoring data backups.

Documentation and Records Manager

Maintains detailed records of all DRP activities, including test results, incident reports, and updates.

Communication Coordinator

Manages both internal & external communications during and after a disaster.

Vendor and Supplier Liaison

Maintains relationships with key vendors and suppliers, and ensures vendors have their own disaster recovery plans in place.

Facilities and Physical Asset Manager

Oversees the recovery of physical assets, facilities, and infrastructure.

Logistics and Resource Coordinator

Manages recovery efforts logistics, including transportation, accommodation, and supply chain management.

4. Solidify Your Toolset

Create a comprehensive list of infrastructure components that are critical for your recovery and recommencement of normal business operations. Identify each component and its associated software. Items to consider include:

  • On-premises and cloud infrastructure
  • Data backup and storage
  • Software inventory
  • Business continuity software
  • Security software
  • Customer communication systems and tools
  • Backup power solutions
  • Physical infrastructure and its security
  • Emergency response plan
  • Financial plan

5. Develop Communication Strategies

To streamline communication protocols during and after disasters, developing a comprehensive plan that outlines roles and responsibilities is vital. You should maintain updated emergency contact lists and use multiple communication channels. Prioritizing message types is crucial. Invest in communication tools, conduct regular system tests, and designate a spokesperson for external communications. Establish a clear chain of command, create remote work policies, and train employees.

6. Establish Recovery Objectives

Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs)  are essential components of a disaster recovery plan for small businesses. They help determine how quickly you need to recover your systems and data following a disruption.

Recovery Time Objective: This is the maximum acceptable downtime for your critical business functions and systems. It represents the time within which these functions and systems should be restored after a disaster.

Recovery Point Objective: This is the maximum allowable data loss in terms of time. It defines the point in time to which data must be recovered after a disaster. The choice of RPO should consider data value, storage capacity, and backup frequency.

The RTO and RPO should align with your business’s unique needs, risks, and resources. Striking the right balance between downtime and data loss and what your business can realistically achieve is essential for an effective disaster recovery plan.

Developing the Disaster Recovery Plan

Now that we’ve covered the basics of a disaster recovery plan, risk assessment, and assembling a disaster recovery team, it’s time to focus on developing the actual recovery plan. Here’s a straightforward, step-by-step guide to help you create an effective disaster recovery plan for your small business:

Establishing Recovery Objectives

Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) are essential components of a disaster recovery plan for small businesses. They help determine how quickly you need to recover your systems and data following a disruption.

Recovery Time Objective: Is the maximum acceptable downtime for your critical business functions and systems. It represents the time within which these functions and systems should be restored after a disaster.

Recovery Point Objective: Is the maximum allowable data loss in terms of time. It defines the point in time to which data must be recovered after a disaster. The choice of RPO should consider data value, storage capacity, and backup frequency.

RTOs and RPOs should align with your business’s unique needs, risks, and      resources. Striking the right balance between minimal downtime and data loss and what your business can realistically achieve is essential for an effective disaster recovery plan.

7. Document the Plan

For small businesses, documenting a disaster recovery plan is as significant as it is for larger organizations. It can be argued that it’s even more critical for small businesses due to their limited resources and greater vulnerabilities.

A small business disaster recovery plan template ensures the efficient allocation of resources, aids in survival during crises, maintains customer trust, helps with compliance, supports employees, and preserves critical relationships with suppliers and partners. Additionally, it can ease obtaining insurance coverage or financing, mitigate the impact on the local community, and facilitate smooth transitions in ownership or management.

A documented disaster recovery plan is a cornerstone of small business resilience, safeguarding operations, assets, and reputation in times of adversity.

8. Integrate Business Continuity Plans

Integrating business continuity planning into a disaster recovery plan is especially crucial for small businesses. It means addressing not only IT recovery but also the entire organization’s ability to continue essential operations during and after a disaster.

This holistic approach minimizes downtime for both technology and critical business functions and ensures that limited resources are allocated effectively. It enhances communication, flexibility, and adaptability in managing crises. Compliance and resilience improve stakeholder confidence.

For small businesses, this integration is a cost-effective way to safeguard operations, build trust, and enhance long-term sustainability in the face of unplanned disruptions and disasters.

9. Test and Update the Plan

Regularly testing and updating an organization’s disaster recovery plan ensures its effectiveness during a crisis. Testing identifies weaknesses and helps employees become familiar with their roles during an emergency. Common exercises include tabletop exercises, where team members discuss hypothetical scenarios and their responses, and full-scale simulations, which mimic actual disaster situations. These tests evaluate the plan’s strengths and uncover areas for improvement. However, it’s crucial to base these exercises on realistic scenarios and to review them periodically to address evolving threats.

Post-exercise debriefs, and incident reviews should be conducted to analyze what went well and what needs improvement. This feedback loop allows for continuous enhancement of the disaster recovery plan by incorporating lessons learned from testing and real incident outcomes. Rigorous and regular testing of the disaster recovery plan helps to better protect the business and its stakeholders in the face of cyberattacks and natural disasters.

Budgeting for SMB Disaster Recovery

Budgeting for disaster recovery is a critical aspect of small business preparedness. Small businesses should set aside a specific part of their annual budget for disaster recovery. This money should cover creating and maintaining a disaster plan, as well as training and equipment. It’s important to focus on protecting the most crucial parts of the business. Small businesses should also investigate insurance options like business interruption, property, or cyber insurance to help cover costs in case of a disaster. While insurance premiums may be an extra cost, they can provide financial help when a disaster strikes. A well-planned disaster recovery budget helps small businesses prepare and reduce financial stress during emergencies.

But what about those small businesses with limited budgets and resources? Outsourcing your disaster recovery plan and solution to a managed service provider (MSP) is a great alternative. MSPs can provide specialized expertise and a deep understanding of industry best practices, cutting-edge technologies, and evolving security threats, allowing small businesses to benefit from a tailored disaster recovery strategy without the need for extensive internal investments. Additionally, outsourcing to an MSP can enhance the efficiency and reliability of a disaster recovery process, ensuring quick response times and minimizing downtime in the event of a disruption.

How Can Veeam Help?

We encourage small businesses to prioritize disaster recovery planning. At Veeam, our mission is to help every company bounce forward. As part of that, we have put together a range of solutions tailored to small businesses’ needs, including Veeam-powered DRaaS, and managed backup & DR services.

  • Veeam-Powered DRaaS: Allows you to work with trusted service providers to customize a disaster recovery plan that fits your needs and budget. Built on the Veeam Data Platform, our partners support customers’ disaster recovery services for small businesses from plan development to testing, documentation, and full management.
  • SMB Backup and Recovery Solutions: Gives you the freedom to manage and shift your infrastructure, storage, and backup restores as needed, while giving you the confidence to recover any data you need, even from cross-platform workloads – instantly.
  • Managed Backup and Disaster Recovery Services: Delivered through our VCSP partners, this solution gives you access to experts to proactively manage your data protection, accelerate time-to-value, and reduce the complexity of daily IT operations.

Start developing your disaster recovery plan today with Veeam’s expert support and bounce forward knowing you have a trusted partner to keep your business running smoothly. Start developing your disaster recovery plan today with Veeam’s expert support.

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