Industry demand for Intelligent Data Management continues at pace

We have just closed another record period, our 41st consecutive quarter of double-digit growth. Bookings grew by more than 20% year-over-year (YoY), which is traditionally a slower quarter across the software business due to summertime. Our traction in the Enterprise customer segment continues to thrive, increasing by almost 25% compared to Q3’17, and we now count more than 80% of the Fortune 500 as Veeam customers. Read more
Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Veeam Data Incident: Update from Peter McKay

Data privacy is something that Veeam takes very seriously. Unfortunately, this week, we had an incident where one of our marketing databases was mistakenly left visible to unauthorized third parties. One of our Veeam core values is transparency and I want to be very open and honest about this issue – this is what our employees, customers and partners deserve. Our goal is to share so our community can learn from our situation.

During some maintenance of our network, this single marketing database containing marketing records (that may include names, e-mail addresses and IP addresses) was left visible and exposed due to human error. While the database was not easily accessible, it was visible to unauthorized third parties. Once we validated ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Veeam Stands Apart in terms of Customer Satisfaction

What is the single most important question you can ask your customer? For us, it is how likely they would be to recommend Veeam to a friend or colleague.

Our mission at Veeam is to be the most trusted provider of intelligent data management solutions to meet the expectations of a world that demands the Hyper-Availability of data. Our customers are at the core of our business, and constant feedback is the best way to improve over time.

To help us build trust with our customers, every year we send out a survey that helps us understand how they perceive our products and services. The Customer Satisfaction Survey was conducted by an independent third party, and then used for the Net Promoter ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Cisco chooses Veeam as its first and only Intelligent Data Management partner

“What got you here, won’t get you there” is a saying that’s especially true when it comes to the IT industry. Vendors today need to continually innovate their offerings to keep pace with customer demand. This is more important than ever in the data management industry, and when it comes to innovation, Veeam has always been at the forefront. Today, we are taking this idea one step further.

Cisco has chosen Veeam to deliver a new approach for the Modern Data Center, Veeam Availability Solution on Cisco HyperFlex. This announcement means customers can now run Veeam’s Intelligent Data Management platform on a completely hyperconverged solution, simplifying their deployments and reducing the resources needed to manage ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Veeam Achieves Market-Leading Revenue Growth in 2H 2017

Veeam, born early in the era of the cloud, has created a story of unprecedented success. The story tells of rapid growth, accelerating quarter after quarter, year after year, driven by innovation, product quality, and customer loyalty.

2017 was our best year yet, and this year we continue to grow with tremendous wind in our sails:

We’ve achieved 40 straight quarters of double-digit growth — 10 years of extraordinarily strong momentum.Total bookings growth increased throughout 2017, with double-digit growth in every quarter.

Recently IDC published its software market results for 2017*, and once again, Veeam leads the pack in the data protection and recovery software market. Veeam's revenue grew 28.7% year over year in the second half of 2017, 26.6 points faster than the ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Success Through Partnership

One of the key ingredients to Veeam’s continued growth and success is an intense focus and commitment to partnerships, such as the one between HPE and Veeam and the benefits it brings to our joint customers.

At this year’s HPE Discover, Veeam was awarded Momentum Technology Partner of the Year 2018 — Data and Analytics Solutions, proving the value of Veeam’s contributions to their shared partner vision.

Success through partnerships doesn’t happen by accident. It takes the application of three key criteria: Recognition, Collaboration and Investment.

Recognition for Valuable Solutions

When choosing a technology vendor to intelligently manage a company’s data, the customer is entering into a relationship based on trust. They can trust Veeam and HPE will ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Veeam Takes Gold: Product of the Year Confirms Commitment to Customer Success

From the very beginning of Veeam’s history, it has been our people and our products that have set the company apart from others. Our customers continually share with us that their endorsement is because “Veeam Just Works.”

This isn’t a throw away phrase or marketing slogan. We recognize that every customer, every partner, every vendor that does business with Veeam is betting their reputation and sometimes their career on our products.

This is why I’m pleased to share that Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 has taken Gold and has been named Product of the Year in Backup and Disaster Recovery Software and Services category in TechTarget’s Storage magazine and SearchStorage Products of the Year awards.

The awards ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Veeam receives 2018 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Data Center Backup and Recovery Software recognition

Every person at Veeam is fanatical about delivering the very best for our customers.

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. It’s in our DNA, at every level of the organization, and we know this ethos is working. Why? Because our users keep telling everyone who will listen exactly what they think of us, and what they say about Veeam is fantastic!

I’m honored that, this week, end users on Gartner Peer Insights recognized Veeam with the 2018 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Data Center Backup and Recovery Software recognition. As of 2/16/2018, Veeam has a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors

Goals are set to be broken… and man, the Veeam Team has done just that!

If you haven’t heard, Veeam’s 2017 results are in and the news couldn’t be better. We smashed our targets, achieved $827 million total bookings revenue and grew more than $220 million in a year at an immense 36% YoY growth. Veeam had the best year in the history of the company. We were confident going into 2017, we were even more confident at VeeamON in the spring, but our success has even surpassed what we saw as possible.

2017 has been my first full fiscal year at the company, and during this year, we made a number of bold moves. These moves included a change in our market focus, an increased focus on ... Read more

Peter McKay
Peter McKay

Former Co-CEO, President and member of the Board of Directors