Backup, Recovery, Data Insights & Resilience
Secure Backup, Recovery & Data Insights
Secure Backup with Instant Recovery
Backup, Recovery & Insights for Small Business
Automated backup solutions that evolve across platforms and locations
Plan, test, automate, and scale recovery operations to defy any disruption
Move and store your data wherever you need it with no vendor lock-in
Zero-Trust Solutions to protect, detect, react and recover your data
AI-powered tools to automate analysis, enhance decisions, and stay secure
Paul VanDyke
Paul VanDyke is the IT Supervisor with the Kodiak Island Borough in Kodiak, Alaska. He has been with the Borough for nearly thirty years, starting as a PC Technician supporting MS-DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows. As the computer industry progressed, his IT career matured, supporting various systems as required in local government. Besides solving technical problems, he enjoys hiking, camping and making YouTube videos.
IT Supervisor, Kodiak Island Borough