Hybrid Cloud Data Protection: Safeguarding Your Assets Across Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud

As organizations move workloads to the public cloud, many find themselves using multiple platforms like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services AWS, and Google Cloud. While each platform provides native security controls, you need centralized visibility and control across environments to truly protect your hybrid cloud. Read more
Kelsey Teske
Kelsey Teske

Product Marketing Manager

Cloud Maturity Model: Roadmap to the Cloud 

Cloud infrastructure offers businesses incredible opportunities for flexibility and growth. A clear cloud maturity strategy is essential for realizing the full potential of these technologies. This blog aims to guide you through the different stages of cloud maturity, empowering your organization to strengthen its cloud capabilities and drive innovation. Read more
Kelsey Teske
Kelsey Teske

Product Marketing Manager

Understanding AWS Billing & Pricing Models

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers cloud services that can be a flexible, scalable way of managing your web services and computing resources. However, because organizations pay for the resources they use rather than paying a flat monthly fee, managing AWS spending can be a challenge for some IT teams. Here we'll discuss how AWS billing and pricing works, and how to keep control of your spending. Read more
Kelsey Teske
Kelsey Teske

Product Marketing Manager

Understanding Cloud Compliance: A Guide to HIPAA, GDPR, SOX, and More

In today's digital landscape, the adoption of cloud computing has transcended beyond just a technological trend; it's now a business imperative. Companies, irrespective of size or sector, are migrating to cloud services to leverage the advantages of scalability, flexibility, and efficiency. However, this migration comes with its own set of challenges, the most notable of which is maintaining compliance with various data protection regulations. Read more
Kelsey Teske
Kelsey Teske

Product Marketing Manager