SaaS Backup Guide: Empowering Resellers

The surge in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, in an era where data is the lifeblood of business, has been nothing short of revolutionary. The move to cloud and hybrid-cloud business models continues to exponentiate, with a 17% increase in enterprise SaaS spending from 2022 to 2023, and with cloud investment rising even faster with a 23% increase. This remarkable growth underscores a pivotal shift in how companies operate and manage their digital assets. With more data stored and processed in the cloud, the importance of robust, reliable SaaS backup solutions becomes increasingly paramount — which, in this domain, reveals potential growth that is as exciting as it is immense. Read more

Empowering Veeam Resellers: A Guide to Ransomware

As of August 2023, the ransomware threat landscape has rapidly evolved, with an increased frequency and industry-spanning impact that proven devastating to critical infrastructure. Attackers have enhanced extortion tactics and professionalized attack groups, drastically increasing the percentage of affected organizations. This year alone, 86% of organizations reported having suffered a cyberattack — a jump up from the 76% reported the year prior. Read more

2023 Data Protection Trends for Veeam Resellers

With Veeam’s newest release of the 2023 Data Protection Trends Report — in which 4,200 business and IT leaders were surveyed on their IT and data protection strategies, including their plans for 2023 and beyond — enterprises, businesses, channel partners and resellers are all considering 2023 to be a year of change. Read more