How to restore and convert your workloads directly to the cloud

In this blog, we will focus on some of the technical aspects of the Veeam Cloud Mobility capability. With the latest release of Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 Update 4, Veeam has provided an extensive set of restore options. Building on the existing Direct Restore to Microsoft Azure functionality, are extra restore capabilities including Direct Restore to Microsoft Azure Stack and Amazon AWS EC2. Read more
David Hill
David Hill

Technologist, Product Strategy

Stateful containers in production, is this a thing?

As the new world debate of containers vs virtual machines continues, there is also a debate raging about stateful vs stateless containers. Is this really a thing? Is this really happening in a production environment? Do we really need to backup containers, or can we just backup the data sets they access? Containers are not meant to be stateful are they? This debate rages daily on Twitter, reddit and pretty much in every conversation I have with customers.

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David Hill
David Hill

Technologist, Product Strategy

Considerations in a multi-cloud world

With the infrastructure world in constant flux, more and more businesses are adopting a multi-cloud deployment model. The challenges from this are becoming more complex and, in some cases, cumbersome. Read more
David Hill
David Hill

Technologist, Product Strategy