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Hybrid Infrastructure Trends from 2020 to 2024

Veeam recently published the latest and largest research report on data protection, as surveyed by an independent research firm with nearly 3,400 responses from 28 countries. If that was big – this is bigger: 8,000 responses between the DPR 2020, DPR 2021, and now the DPR 2022 reports. Read more
Jason Buffington
Jason Buffington

Vice President, Market Strategy

Dave Russell
Dave Russell

Vice President, Enterprise Strategy

Announcing the Data Protection Trends Report for 2022

Veeam is very excited to announce the latest and largest research report on data protection, as surveyed by an independent research firm. We say “largest” due to nearly 3,400 responses. When most research includes between 200-400 responses, Veeam sponsored 10X that in order to then cut the data and better understand not just the global market and trends, but the nuances across countries, regions, vertical industries, etc. Check out last year’s blog to understand how we cut 3,000+ responses. Read more
Jason Buffington
Jason Buffington

Vice President, Market Strategy

Dave Russell
Dave Russell

Vice President, Enterprise Strategy

Best practices for data protection

With total enterprise data volumes projected to exceed 2.02 petabytes by 2022, smart safeguards must be implemented to keep it protected. Those strategies themselves are changing in lockstep industry trends. Now that hybrid and full-cloud deployments are dominant, multiple external variables can impact how data is stored and preserved. Additionally, over one quarter of Cloud Vision 2020’s survey respondents could shift 95% of critical workloads cloudward by 2025. Read more
Adam Bertram
Adam Bertram

Guest author

Data security

There are many risks to data: from the IT admins worst nightmare, ransomware, to a company's worst nightmare, a malicious admin. Data security is a huge challenge and becomes increasingly more important to understand as data grows rapidly, sprawls to different platforms and becomes more valuable. This topic is a straightforward concept, protect the data, but the many ways to go about achieving this goal make this a complex and fascinating subject.

This article will help you with your first steps in understanding what data security is, how this relates to security and compliance, and the risks and challenges you might face on this ever-expanding topic.

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Karinne Bessette
Karinne Bessette

Technologist, Product Strategy

In an age full of data, integrity is essential

We live in a digital era where businesses use, analyze and rely on data, their processes and databases. An important part of data is its integrity because it ensures data is unchanged, undivided and in its complete, consistent form. More importantly, data integrity means the data is trustworthy. Organizations make data driven decisions, and if the data has been altered or changed it can have a negative impact on the business. Data integrity can also come into play when it comes to meeting different data regulations and compliance standards that are requirements in certain industries today. Let's explore what data integrity is, the different types of integrity and how it relates to data quality and security. Read more
Kirsten Stoner
Kirsten Stoner

Technologist, Product Strategy