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Bringing IT and Security Teams together to Detect and Identify Cyber Threats

In today’s digital world, the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberthreats is our new reality. As our reliance on technology grows, so does the potential for devastating cyberattacks that can cripple businesses, compromise sensitive data, and disrupt our interconnected world Read more
Matt Crape
Matt Crape

Senior Technical Product Marketer

Developing a Passion for Data Protection: My Journey to Delivering Radical Resilience for Dedalus

Many of us rely on data more than we know. Beyond the IT applications we may use at work, there’s the holiday snaps we share, the news we read each morning, the online orders we place. We often take it for granted that data will be available as and when we need it. But of course, especially at enterprise scale, this is only possible with proactive data protection. Here’s the story of how I recognized the importance of protecting data and became a champion of radical resilience. Read more
Thorsten Schwarz
Thorsten Schwarz

Technical Competence & Solution Architect Backup at Dedalus