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Top 8 AWS Security Best Practices

Securing your cloud infrastructure is of utmost importance to protect your data and ensure the integrity and availability of your AWS resources. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore AWS security best practices to help you fortify your cloud environment. By implementing these practices, you can enhance the overall security posture of your AWS infrastructure and minimize the risk of security breaches. Read more
Julia Furst Morgado
Julia Furst Morgado

Product Strategy Technology

Roy Adiel
Roy Adiel

Understanding AWS Billing & Pricing Models

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers cloud services that can be a flexible, scalable way of managing your web services and computing resources. However, because organizations pay for the resources they use rather than paying a flat monthly fee, managing AWS spending can be a challenge for some IT teams. Here we'll discuss how AWS billing and pricing works, and how to keep control of your spending. Read more
Kelsey Teske
Kelsey Teske

Product Marketing Manager

What Is AWS Cost Management? A Comprehensive Overview

AWS cost management is key for meeting your business needs with the cloud, and luckily there are many tips and tricks for optimal spend. If you are looking to learn how to leverage AWS cost optimization tools, evaluating existing practices, and learning to maintain performance and functionality over time (while paying less!), then you should check out our white paper, “AWS Cost Optimization: Effective Savings Tactics” or even our on-demand webinar, “Considerations for Cutting Cloud Costs.” In the meantime, stick around on this blog to learn about what AWS cost management is, and how you can get started. Read more