3 Reasons Every Service Provider Should Use Veeam ONE

Veeam ONE can help every organization with decision-making, proper resource allocation and issue identification and resolution. Veeam ONE compliments Veeam Backup & Replication in several ways for every type of deployment. Service providers can gain many benefits from utilizing Veeam ONE, like maintaining compliance, planning for backup infrastructure needs, and sizing your environment properly. As a service provider, you can utilize these Veeam ONE capabilities to drive profitability, scale customer environments, potentially increase customer satisfaction and sell more successfully.

Maintaining compliance

Businesses gather data to use for a variety of reasons, including to enhance operations, improve decision making and help create new streams of revenue. With the collection and retention of data, businesses are required to follow regulations and meet compliance mandates based on where they are located or what industry they are in. Visibility into the environment is one way to help ensure you are meeting compliance regulations.

Veeam ONE has different features that can help ensure compliance in your data center. Through robust monitoring and reporting views, you can ensure you are meeting SLAs, RPOs and gain documentation on who, what and where configuration changes are being made.

When it comes to protecting your backup data, Veeam ONE provides reporting on who is accessing your backup data and where the restores are being written with the Restore Operator Activity Report. This report helps ensure that no one is accessing data when they are not supposed to and that “where” they are restoring is compliant with business requirements.

Other reports can help ensure compliance with backup RPOs and SLAs such as the VM backup Compliance Overview Report. Once run, this report identifies any VMs that do not follow the 3-2-1 Rule. This helps ensure there are enough backup copies in different locations within the organization.

Figure 1: VM Backup Compliance Summary

If you need to monitor the location of your protected objects, backups and replicas, you can run Data Sovereignty reports. Using the location settings within Veeam Backup & Replication combined with this report, you can monitor where production data and their copies reside geographically. This can help monitor a geographically diverse infrastructure.

Sizing your environment

Once your virtual environment is added to Veeam ONE, it starts analyzing and collecting data based on hosts, clusters, datastores and VMs. It looks at how resources are currently provisioned and consumed, providing powerful insightful informational data points. This can help when trying to plan on how to size your environment for future growth, how resources are currently allocated and what needs to be addressed for proper data protection.

Checking on how datastores are being provisioned allows you to ensure your VMs have enough storage to operate properly. You can do this in Veeam ONE by monitoring them in the Datastore Summary within the Client View and running the Datastore Capacity Report. This allows you to document how much is free, used and provisioned so you can make changes as needed.

Figure 2: Veeam ONE Client Datastore Disk Space Usage

Sizing your backup repositories properly is also an area where Veeam ONE can help. By monitoring the change rate on your VMs, you can ensure you have allocated enough backup repository space to store data for the allocated amount of time the business requires.

Both sizing and monitoring capabilities can help service providers properly optimize and plan their customer environment. This allows them to continue to be a trusted advisor when it comes to correctly allocating resources for VMs to run properly and advise on backup infrastructure needs.

Planning for backups

Businesses utilize service providers as a trusted resource when it comes to protecting their data for any disaster scenario. Veeam ONE can help assess the environment prior to performing backups for any issues that might result in failed backup activities. Documentation can also assist with sizing your backup repositories, planning for capacity, chargeback, plus so much more. By running these insightful reports, you can use these data points to help with decision making now and to plan for future needs.

The Infrastructure Overview report, included in Veeam ONE, is helpful when first working with a new customer’s data center. This documentation can be used when trying to visualize the entire environment and how it is configured, showing information on all vCenter servers, clusters, hosts, VMs, datastores and networks in the virtual environment. This can be used as the basis of documentation when it comes to understanding how the infrastructure is configured.

Assessing the environment for successful backup operations is always important, and you don’t want to take a backup or perform a restore just to realize the data isn’t accessible. One way to do this is with the VM Configuration Assessment report. This will identify potential issues and limitations that can lead backups to fail or not be backed up properly.

Figure 3: VM Configuration Assessment

This report will provide you with a list of VMs with potential issues and provide recommendations for backup job success.

So much to love about Veeam ONE!

Veeam ONE can help every service provider maintain compliance, properly size environments and assess the infrastructure for backup readiness. Veeam ONE can help with many business functions to maintain compliance, drive profitability, assist with technical decision making, while ensuring a reliable and scalable solution for data protection. Veeam ONE has a lot to offer when it comes to monitoring virtual application and workloads, as well as the physical data protection environment. To learn more about how service providers can leverage the power of Veeam ONE, check out these resources:

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