NIS2 is Coming: Everything You Need to Know and More!

Understand what the cybersecurity directive means to your business, and how Veeam can help with NIS2 compliance… time is ticking

Are You Ready for NIS2?

The Network Information Security Directive (NIS2) is designed to strengthen the cybersecurity posture of EU critical infrastructure entities or industries to meet basic compliance requirements.

What differentiates NIS2 from its predecessor is that compliance spans the entire third-party supply chain and most importantly, it could mandate personal liability to corporate management and executives for non-compliance.

NIS2 takes information security to the core of national security.

EU Member States have until 18 October 2024 to transpose NIS2 security requirements into their national laws, so it’s important to act now.


The NIS2 Directive – what to know and how to prepare

Veeam solutions can contribute to businesses becoming NIS2 compliant by providing them with reliable and secure backup, recovery, and data management capabilities.

The NIS2 Directive – what to know and how to prepare

NIS2 in a Nutshell

The NIS2 directive is built on two main pillars to strengthen cybersecurity and overall resilience

  • Duty of Care

    Organizations are required to implement robust risk management and business continuity measures to minimize cyber risks and impact. This includes incident management, securing the supply chain, enhancing network and access control security, encryption, system recovery, emergency procedures, and establishing a crisis response team.

  • Duty to Report

    Essential entities are mandated to establish processes for promptly reporting significant security incidents, with specific notification deadlines, such as a 24‑hour ‘early warning’ system. NIS2 also significantly emphasises corporate accountability, requiring management to be actively involved in and knowledgeable about the organization’s cybersecurity measures.

Greater consequences

Penalties for non‑compliance are severe

The NIS2 Directive requires companies to plan and strengthen their cybersecurity, to communicate with supervisory bodies and report breaches with greater transparency.

Fines vary depending on whether an industry or entity is defined as “Essential” or “Important”.

  • Directors and Management could be held personallyliable for failures in implementation and compliance
  • Essential Entities could face fines up to €10 million or 2% of total turnover
  • Important Entities could face fines up to €7 million or 1.4% of total turnover
  • Regulators may suspend business operations if critical to network security

Understand the Cybersecurity Landscape


of organizations have data protection gaps*


of organisations protect their Microsoft 365 data*

3out of4

organizations suffered at least one ransomware attack in the preceding twelve months*

*Source: Veeam Data Protection Trends Report 2024

Did you know

If your organization is already ISO 27001 certifiied, you’re part way to becoming NIS2 compliant

Find out how Veeam can help fill the gaps in your cybersecurity and support your NIS2 compliance journey.

Who is Affected?

Understand if your business falls under the NIS2 scope and gain clarity on the implications of non-compliance.

  • Organizations with 50 or more full time employees
  • Fines vary depending on whether a company is defined as “Essential” or “Important”

Essential or Critical Infrastructure Industries

≥250 FTE or ≥€50M annual turnover or balance sheet of ≥€43M

Fines for non-compliance

Up to €10 Million or at least 2% of the total worldwide annual turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is higher



Business & Finance

Business & Finance

Digital Infrastructure

Digital Infrastructure

Drinking Water

Drinking Water



Health Sector

Health Sector

Public Administration

Public Administration





Waste Water

Waste Water

Important Industries

≥50 FTE or ≥€10M annual turnover or balance sheet of ≥€10M (or 2% of worldwide sales)

Fines for non-compliance

Up to €7 Million or at least 1.4% of the total annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year, whichever is higher



Manufacture, Production & Distribution

Digital Providers

Digital Providers



Production, Processing & Distribution



Postal Services

Postal Services



Waste Management

Waste Management


NIS2 could also apply to non-EU countries

NIS2 not only spans the entire supply chain, but also includes additional segments. Even non-EU countries such as the UK and Switzerland, who are not implementing NIS2 or bound by EU legislation, could be affected.

Cybersecurity and Resilience Makes Business Sense

Many organizations are either unaware of the pending 18 October 2024 NIS2 compliance deadline or burying their heads in the sand. Be in the know.


  • Two groups of industries or entities have been identified, with tiered obligations to strengthen cyber security
  • Organizations will be subject to greater government oversight
  • Greater penalties will be faced by organizations and their supply-chains for non-compliance
  • Non-EU countries that have IT operations within the EU will be required to comply to the directive
  • Executive Management will be held personally liable for cybersecurity breaches

Fill the gaps in your cybersecurity with Veeam

We enable organizations to complete their cyber resiliency strategy with the best‑in‑class data security, data recovery and data freedom.

  • Data Security

    Multi‑layered protection designed for peace of mind across the hybrid cloud.

    • Proactive threat hunting
    • Immutability everywhere
    • Secure access
  • Data Recovery

    Fast, reliable recovery when you need it, where you need it.

    • Recover fast with precision
    • Secure, automated orchestration
    • Avoid reinfection
  • Data Freedom

    Protect all your data, anywhere, any way, with zero lock‑in.

    • Broad workload coverage
    • Infrastructure observability
    • Multi‑cloud mobility

Find out how Veeam can help fill the gaps in your cybersecurity and support your NIS2 compliance journey.



  • Checklist to help you get started with NIS2

    Follow our useful checklist to establish a cybersecurity strategy, competencies and implement incident reporting mechanisms, right for your business.

  • Duty of Care for Data

    This article is based on an interview with Edwin Weijdema, Field CTO EMEA, Veeam, that discusses NIS2 and the implications of the directive on companies.

  • Infographic - 10 measures to NIS2 Compliance

    Start your NIS2 compliance journey with Veeam and make cybersecurity core to your business operations.