Veeam & Infinidat: Enterprise Ransomware Protection Solution

Why You Need an Enterprise-Grade Anti-Ransomware Solution

Ransomware – It isn’t a question of “if” but “when”

Remember the days when your data protection strategy was designed around system failures or loss of a data center due to a catastrophe, whether manmade or natural?  While preparing for these types of disasters is still very much a priority, in the past decade a new menace has surfaced, demanding the attention of organizations everywhere.


The main difference between ransomware threats and the “classic” cyber threats is that organizations can’t prevent the cyber-attacks that result in ransomware events.  These cyber-attacks are persistent and are constantly adapting to whatever prevention mechanisms are put in place to stop them.

Here are just a few of the ways these ransomware attacks can infiltrate: 

So, what can we do when faced with such seemingly insurmountable odds?  We need to design a solution that protects our data assets when the attack occurs.  An integral part of such a solution are your backups.  A reliable backup with fast and secure recovery is the last line of defense when a ransomware attack occurs.

Building the Solution: Veeam + Infinidat

One of the key factors to designing a reliable solution to recover from a ransomware attack is identifying what data should be protected and assigning a priority of importance to that data.  Determining the impact and cost to the business if the data is lost is a crucial metric in prioritizing the data importance.

Once the important data is identified and prioritized, the next step is establishing the Restore Time Objective (RTO) and the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) for that data. An RTO is the period of time that a business has determined the restoration of the data must be completed within. The RPO is the determination of the maximum amount of data that can be lost before it causes detrimental harm to an organization. The more frequently your data is backed up, the shorter the RPO period.

Typically, the more important the data the shorter the RTO and RPO durations.  In these cases, a Veeam + Infinidat solution is an excellent solution to consider. Together, Veeam + Infinidat provide:


An example of what a Veeam + Infinidat solution looks like this:

This solution provides you with enterprise class data protection with Veeam’s industry leading Veeam Backup & Replication software combined with the unbeatable performance and scalability of Infinidat’s InfiniBox and InfiniGuard products.

Where can you learn more?

Veeam and Infinidat are hosting webinars on 12/14/2022.  You can register here: Veeam + Infinidat Ransomware Webinars.

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