The data protection values

We all know that backup is the last frontier of data protection. Many refer to it as the wall beyond which the abyss of data loss appears, but I personally disagree with the notion of the “last frontier” of data protection being a wall.

The word “wall” is often invoked to identify a clear division between opposites, but a wall can’t show the data value that’s beyond that wall.

I would rather illustrate the importance of data protection strategies with the image of a dam, where corporate resources, data and services are stored in the pool.

Standing at the top of the dam, you stand at dizzying heights above dark, swirling water that instills the sinking feeling of data loss and helplessness in the face of having to restore your data.

I think there are many functional connections to be made between backup and this image, and I will outline them down below.

Flow control

Water flow is regulated through specific paths, sluice gates, pumps and appliances that check the water level.

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The resource balance

Think of the spectacular water fountains that move water from the dam, downstream.

Water splashes off the cement and becomes one with the river. This process keeps the water level suitable for its needs.

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Backup policies are the easiest way to store data and must include the option of being able to:

Sizing and scaling

At the design stage for a dam project, it’s important to estimate all the variables and be certain that they can deal with any contingencies like downpours and storms.

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Returning to the example of the dam, wouldn’t it be beneficial if you could add a new and more efficient type of cement without having to re-use the old one, forcing a part to be rebuilt?

An ecosystem, not individual objects

The dam is a complex architecture of individual entities that are united in the builders’ requirement to provide a service for the community.

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Resource management skills

Personnel that control the dam must be able to intercept any malfunctions in the structure and quickly respond with mitigation and resolution actions.

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What’s the value?

Water is a valuable resource since it’s vital to the existence of our ecosystem. Dams process this precious resource and turn it into clean power.

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Reusing resources

At night, dams pump water back upstream. It is a self-generative system of value.

The lake is not the only resource; people often enjoy fishing on the shores of the dam’s artificial lake, and sportsmen of all ages reap the benefits of the human ability to harness nature.

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What if resources are in short supply?

2022 was a remarkably hot year with no abundant rainfall. Dams provided a buffer, helping the areas they serve avoid this climate impasse.

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