公司发生严重运营中断事件、财务与声誉在短期和长期遭受重创的新闻报道几乎每天都有。说起业务 和 IT 服务连续性方面的灾难和威胁,我们首先会想到经常发生的系统中断事件。但一些发生频率较高的“较小”威胁经常被忽视。人为错误、设备故障、断电、恶意威胁和数据损坏也可让整个企业陷入完全停顿状态。
Read moreSam Nicholls
Sam Nicholls is a Director for Public Cloud Product Marketing at Veeam with over a decade of sales, alliance management and product marketing experience in IT. Sam has evolved from his on-premises storage days and is now laser-focused on spreading the word about cloud-native backup and recovery, packing in thousands of viewers on his webinars, blogs and web pages. When he isn’t spending time with power-users from the AWS, Azure and Google Cloud communities, he can be found dressed up as a prince or pony while watching The Mandalorian with his daughter and sons, Poppy, Hayes and Iver.
公司发生严重运营中断事件、财务与声誉在短期和长期遭受重创的新闻报道几乎每天都有。说起业务 和 IT 服务连续性方面的灾难和威胁,我们首先会想到经常发生的系统中断事件。但一些发生频率较高的“较小”威胁经常被忽视。人为错误、设备故障、断电、恶意威胁和数据损坏也可让整个企业陷入完全停顿状态。
Read morePrincipal, Product Marketing