Simplify & Secure Your Cloud Infrastructure

Kasten K10 delivers data mobility, protection, and ransomware resilience to support Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), creating a simple and secure on-ramp to cloud migration.

The Challenge of Cloud Sprawl

As organizations accelerate their cloud native technology adoption and hybrid cloud architectures, they are increasingly leveraging public cloud offerings. The logic, of course, is that this will augment their on-premises infrastructure to help keep pace with the growing demands of developers, customers, and business objectives.

The challenge is, as more technologies are adopted across different providers and technology stacks, achieving consistent management, oversight, and security of these hybrid solutions becomes increasingly difficult. In light of the ever-increasing number of ransomware attacks, organizations can’t afford to be caught on their heels.

The Solution

With Kasten by Veeam and Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), organizations can leverage a turnkey solution without sacrificing operational agility or security. Kubernetes infrastructure can be provisioned, managed, and protected in a matter of minutes rather than weeks, allowing DevOps Platform Engineers to keep pace with the speed of developers. Administrators can simply enable Red Hat OpenShift Service through their organization’s AWS account, deploy a cluster via the ROSA CLI, and deploy the Kasten K10 OpenShift Operator from within the OpenShift web console.

Upon deployment, Kasten capabilities for ROSA include OpenShift OAuth integration, multicluster management, protection policy automation, disaster recovery, and workload mobility. This allows DevOps Engineers to deploy, distribute, manage, and protect cloud native applications across the public and private cloud using a unified set of tools and management interfaces that minimize administrative overhead and accelerate return on investment.

Sound Too Good to Be True?

See for yourself by watching the interactive demo below:

The Value of Kasten K10 for ROSA

Through an integrated approach, AWS, Red Hat, and Kasten by Veeam provide an end-to-end solution with flexible options. Organizations can hone their deployment to their resource needs and quickly spin up or spin down resources.

The fundamentals for Kubernetes data protection apply regardless of the compute environment, and the Kasten partnership with both Red Hat and AWS makes for a seamless deployment that provides simple, reliable, and supported protection for cloud-native applications everywhere.

Related Resources

To learn more, check out the following resources:

#1 Kubernetes
Data Protection
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