Announcing the 2024 Ransomware Trends Report

The third annual Veeam Ransomware Trends Report is officially HERE !!!

Each year, independent analysts survey unbiased and vetted organizations that experienced at least one cyberattack (breach/ransom/etc.) in the preceding 12 months. The resulting responses were analyzed to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolving threat landscape by surveying 1,200 unbiased IT leaders and implementers, with direct insights into how their organizations managed through and after the attack. 

A few fun facts about the annual reports:

Check out a short summary video of this year’s report:

How Much Data Will I Lose After a Cyberattack? 18%

Ransomware remains an ongoing threat for organizations and is the largest single cause of IT outages and downtime that organizations experience, in no small part due to the fact that 41% of data is compromised during a cyberattack, according to the latest 2024 Ransomware Trends Report. The report also reveals that on average, only 57% of the compromised data will be recovered, leaving organizations vulnerable to substantial data loss and negative business impact as a result. 

Let’s do some scary math:

Read that againexpect 18% data loss — just over 1/6 of your production data set (on average). Again, this is a good time to remind folks the survey respondents were not Veeam customers, but a global sampling.  

What are the Impacts of Ransomware on the Teams? (Not Just the Org)

In the event of a ransomware attack, production data isn’t the only victim, and the losses won’t only be financial. Organizations must worry about the impacts such an attack will have on their reputation, productivity, insurance costs, and total financial impacts for the company — all of which can lead to data loss. This year’s report finds that cyberattacks not only impact organizations but have a negative human impact, as 45% of individuals cite increased workloads and 40% experience heightened stress levels post attack.

But Wait, There’s More Bad News

Other key findings from the Veeam 2024 Ransomware Trends Report include:

Tune in on Tuesdays at Noon ET US

To give more insights on the research findings, we’re inviting a range of guests to weigh in on the Tuesday Industry Insights livestreams, starting June 11 – every Tuesday at Noon ET US, where we’ll cover topics like organizational alignment, financial impacts, cyber insurance, incident response playbooks, mitigating technologies, and other lessons learned from this year’s research. Click here for the latest livestreams.

To protect your organization from a worst-case scenario you need to have the knowledge and plans in place to keep your organization’s data resilient. To learn more about the research gleaned from 1,200 professionals in the field, download the full 2024 Ransomware Trends Report.

2024 Global Report
Ransomware Trends
Lessons learned from 1,200 victims
and 3,600 cyberattacks
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